Hope Force Continues Response to Hurricane Idalia! |   | ...
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Hope Force Continues Response to Hurricane Idalia!

Situation Report #2:    September 8, 2023

Watch this moving update from our team in Yankeetown, Florida

Yankeetown, Florida is a wonderful, tight community that cares for its people. Since Hope Force landed in the area immediately after the onslaught of Hurricane Idalia, we’ve had the privilege of building strong relationships with the fire department and city manager. These are people fighting to help their people and community.  You can see their tired eyes...but you can also see their great resolve to continue on.

In the video, you will hear from William Ary, the city manager, state what sums up what we often times refer to as "the beautiful side of disaster."  “Hard times bring people together; that is the truth of it. We help each other the most when we are at our weakest point!” We’ve had the privilege of having some beautiful moments with the Yankeetown residents at "their weakest points." You’ll also hear homeowner Brandi Jewel’s compelling story in this video.

Would you please consider joining the Hope Force ground efforts in Yankeetown in the Crystal River area? Hope Force needs more volunteers to join us in the field in the next 2 weeks. We have also been made aware of more areas that need assistance in the Crystal River area.

We are seeking more Reservists and volunteers to join those already on the ground. If you may be available, SIGN UP HERE and fill out the form completely. 

Your generous donations will enable us to continue serving this incredible community, and others like it, on Florida's Gulf Coast!  

Would you also consider making a donation to our Hurricane Idalia Deployment?