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Club Night - Wednesday 10th April 2013

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved

Apologies received.


An e-mail was received via Jes about someone from Lithuania who was interested in joining our group. He had been given meeting details but did not show.

Matters arising from the Minutes.

The Watton Bike Day was again discussed and Terry agreed to put it on web site for helpers

Report from the Rights of Way Officer

Reggie gave us an updated on the Trail from Syderstone   
but the prospects are not good (it has been classed as Restricted Byway in spite of obvious vehicular usage)

Ride Outs

A ride out was held on Saturday the 30th March starting at  Wymondham at 9-30 and picking up at concrete pad Thompson at 10-00am. Five members on ride.

Reggie said he had had a few rides out on Thursday evenings initially to assist a new member who has had limited experience, he had also been joined by 2 potentially new members

We then received a strong criticism that our ride outs are not novice friendly the reasons given were:-
1. we start too early.
2. we are out too long.
3. we cover too great a distance.
4. we start too far away
5. we should advise everyone of a ride out by text.

I felt this personally as I recently tried to organise a trail ride for newcomers and no one turned up well one did and he has been out several times since, but he was/is an experienced rider.

Also the novice who made the criticism has been very well accommodated by our ROW officer who has taken him out several times on his own.

The meeting felt that he had a point but any one can break off from a ride and go back home and as for the starting points, well we are spread all over the County so a lot of riders have to travel.
Also the majority like to start early (some earlier than I wish to).


The details for the " Grantham Slide School"
have not yet been sorted.

No raffle was held due to the low turnout. 

After which a general chat ensued.

Chairman's Comments

The main point of interest discussed quite a lot at the above meeting was the lack of help for novice riders. 

My own feelings on this are:- 

Point 1 We start too early.
Well the start time is normally the time agreed by the majority of riders going out, and we are always prepared to alter a start time but must go with the majority. 

Point 2 We are out too long.
I must admit I felt that way when I first went out but now I feel that all effort in a trail ride, i.e. cleaning the bike/airfilter etc afterwards means that  a short ride is hardly worth it. If someone wants a short ride put a post on the Web site and see if they get an offer.

Point 3 We cover too great a distance.
I think the details I have put for point 2 also apply to this.

Point 4 We start too far away.
Well I have answered this in as much as we are all spread over the county, also we often have start points at Wymondham, Thompson, Swafham, Norwich etc. The start point and other details are up to whoever instigates the ride and if he/she can persuade others to accompany them.

Point 5 We should advise everyone of a ride out by text.
This is a bit over the top, I am not sure if it meant everyone in the Group or not But I said on the night that the website is the place for that. Also, I feel if ride outs are organised by texts then some people end up getting excluded and the rides become clique and we are a Fellowship. A good point was raised about the difficulty that new members have in getting on the website and as Rupert was not at the meeting it could not really be addressed, other than pointing out the problems with hackers etc.

The person who made the criticism has never been out with me or any other run leader other than Reggie so some of the argument is a bit weak. However, he does have a point and it can be difficult for new/novices to join in the fun but it is also difficult to accommodate them when we don't see them.

Paul Nelson does do some C.B.T for a dealership some Saturday mornings and said he might be able to pass the benefits of TRF membership on to those who are learning on trail bikes. This could give us a few novices to take out and help.

I do hope that my comments do not put any novice off as that is not my intention and the member who raised these points is entitled to do so and I hope he is not offended by my comments. I do not wish to create disharmony in the group (we are to small a bunch as it is) but I felt that it needed saying. If anyone disagrees with my comments (or agrees) please start a thread on the website or come to the next meeting and put your
view forward.

I think that is more than enough for now.
Terry Reeve Chairman

Website Login Problems

As mentioned by Terry, there have been a few website issues. I recently had to move the hosting for the entire site as it was constantly under fire from hackers, even putting in Captcha systems has not stopped the SpamBots.

If people are having problems, could they please either email me on info@trfnorfolk.org.uk or call 07899 918276.

Once set up, accessing the site is not a problem at all.


This newsletter is based loosely on the last meetings minutes which have not yet been approved and may contain inaccuracies.