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FEBS Newsletter, April – FEBS events update
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FEBS 2017: get the bigger picture!

Join us in September for a stimulating 'meeting of minds' across the molecular life sciences  be inspired by leading researchers in the rich speaker programme, find out
what's happening in related fields, top up your skills base, broaden your horizons,
present your work and connect with like-minded enthusiasts.


Explore the FEBS 2017 scientific programme:

Plenary Speakers ● Symposia ● Early Bird Sessions ● FEBS Special Sessions 
Programme overview Invited speakers


Now is the time to submit your abstract!

Play an active part in the scientific discussion by presenting your research:
meet others interested in your work, earn recognition and 
get feedback.
Don't delay: the abstract submission deadline is May 8th, 2017.

Oral presentation opportunities Abstract topics Call for abstracts

FEBS bursaries ● ISBMB bursaries 

FEBS Advanced Courses: for focused updates and learning 

FEBS Advanced Courses 2017

There's still just time to apply for some FEBS Advanced Lecture Courses and FEBS/EMBO Lecture Courses running later in the year across Europe  check out the topics below. FEBS Youth Travel Fund grants are available to assist participation of early-career researchers.

Cytoskeleton: mechanical coupling from the plasma membrane to nucleus

Oncometabolism: from conceptual knowledge to clinical applications

Nuclear receptors and epigenomic mechanisms in human disease and aging

Immune system: genes, receptors and regulation

Molecular architecture, dynamics and function of biomembranes
Proteins and organized complexity

Mitochondria in life, death and disease


FEBS Advanced Courses 2018: second call for proposals

For expert scientists, there's another chance to apply for funding from FEBS for running an Advanced Course in 2018. If you have an idea for a meeting with an educational emphasis on an important and timely topic in the molecular life sciences, find out about event types, course grants, travel grants and more via the Advanced Courses section of the FEBS website. The application deadline is July 1st, 2017.

IUBMBFEBS Education Conference: the latest in teaching and training

Taking place just ahead of the 42nd FEBS Congress, this joint IUBMB and FEBS event will include plenaries, symposia and workshops on topics including key knowledge and skills for molecular life scientists, research in undergraduate education, PhD training, and postdoctoral training. The deadline for bursaries, posters and workshop proposals is May 15th, 2017.

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© 2017 FEBS | Federation of European Biochemical Societies
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