Using Social Media to Meet Health Goals
Social media can help people set and meet their health goals. It can also help bring you closer to those you serve by creating an engaging dialogue that you may not be able to have in person because of time or location. SHARE these great tips on how to effectively use Facebook, Twitter, and online forums and support groups.
Helping People Learn what Preventative Services are FREE
Under the Affordable Care Act, many preventative services are free to individuals and families who have health insurance. However, many people are not yet aware of this information. Encourage those you serve to READ OUR HEALTH REFORM ARTICLES to learn what services are covered for adults and children.
Connecting to Prescription Assistance Resources and More
Utilize already created content, such as widgets, to add value to your websites. Widgets offer information on a variety of topics, such as the Affordable Care Act, chronic diseases, medication adherence, and prescription assistance programs. CHECK OUT AND POST one of our widgets to your website.
And, don’t forget to order brochures about Together Rx Access for your offices or waiting rooms. All materials are available in English and Spanish, and are FREE of charge.
Passing the Word to Others
"Taking medicine for acute and chronic conditions safely, as well as disposing of medicines properly is important. Through TogetherRxAccess.com, we have been able to provide information and tips to better educate uninsured individuals, their families, and healthcare professionals about this public health concern. We are pleased to also share this website with our members who can use it as another tool to provide better care to our communities."
Ray Bullman, Executive Director
National Council on Patient Information and Education
Community Connections
The Together Rx Access® Card has saved cardholders over $135 million on their prescription medicines. Join our community to connect with colleagues, patients, and those you serve. Spread the word about the prescription savings card and the Program’s resource-packed website!
To learn more about
Together Rx Access,
our member companies,
the Affordable Care Act,
or to enroll in our Program,
visit TogetherRxAccess.com
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