Why take payment as part of the booking process?
If you use a payment terminal (or don't take card payments at all), there's never been a better time to think about switching to an online payment processor. Here's why:
1. It saves you money
We've negotiated a special deal with HolidayRentPayment to provide you with a low cost option. There are NO monthly fees, NO PCI charges and low transaction charges.
2. It saves time
Your guests complete all of their info as part of the booking process so you don't have to.
You no longer have to make phone calls or send emails to collect the details you need to input the data manually (also reducing room for error).
Because the money goes straight into your account you don't need to wait for the cheque to arrive in the post, go to the bank, pay it in and then wait for it to clear.
Payments and refunds can all be processed from within your SuperControl account.
3. It's easy
Easy for you: You don't need a separate merchant account. Just log in to SuperControl to set it up (see how below).
Easy for your guest: it is all part of the booking process so they can complete all their info there and then, removing the temptation to continue to search for alternative accommodation elsewhere.
Want to set it up?
Watch the training video or take a look at the HolidayRentPayment users guide.
Kind regards,
Jade, Rosie and Lisa
SuperControl support