Editor's note

Poverty is generally measured by income. In its global comparisons, the World Bank has adopted US$1.90 a day as the poverty line. So, people with daily real incomes below this amount form part of the global poor. But Sam Jones and Inge Tvedten, drawing on lessons from their research in Mozambique, argue that viewing poverty only through an income lens could distract attention from the underlying structural causes and the diverse experiences of the poor.

In South Africa the emotive issues of land ownership and reform are mainly framed as demands by the majority black population to reclaim rights stolen during centuries of colonisation and apartheid. But this rather simplistic conception overlooks conflicts over land ownership between traditional leaders and communities which were fueled by white minority interests. Jill E. Kelly reflects on the legacy of the chief who saw through the oppressors’ divide-and-rule tactics and remained loyal to the democratic principle enshrined in the isiZulu proverb that says ‘a chief is a chief through his people’.

Jabulani Sikhakhane

Deputy Editor and Business & Economy Editor

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