STOURBRIDGE OLD EDWARDIAN CLUB ED-Words Newsletter PRESIDENT'S FOREWORDPresident Robin Morrison I am pleased to report that my President’s evening was a very successful event held in our new function room - the Edwardian Lounge which has been created in the snooker room. We all enjoyed a sumptuous buffet served by Tim and Tracey and entertainment from David Moylan (magician, musician and comedian) and Alan Roden on the accordion. Many positive comments were received from guests complimenting the Club on creating a more attractive venue for events. More importantly, from a commercial perspective, Stourbridge Rotary Club have confirmed they will be holding a large number of their meetings at the club based upon the quality of our facility. The long term sustainability of the club for all users is dependent on attracting bookings like this one. Talking of functions, I’m now looking forward to the Annual Dinner on Friday 8th October 2021 at which the after dinner entertainment will be provided by Steven Bruce an Auctioneer and Valuer from Warwick who will provide an insight into his career and a behind the scenes look at antique programmes on the TV. So please support this event and invite wives and partners and guests if you can. It is that time of year when subscriptions are due. The Secretary has sent out details of how to renew to all Members. Prompt payment of subscriptions is vital to the Club’s sustainability. It is vitally important we all comply and pay our dues. The front door codes will be changed on the 1st November and car park fobs will be deactivated in early January for those members that haven’t paid. In closing, could I also remind you of the forthcoming AGM in early December. If you want to become more active in the running of the club please stand for Committee. In a post Covid world we need to take advantage of business opportunities and encourage innovation in providing a club that all members can enjoy. If you feel you can contribute, please stand for Committee - your Club needs you. KEVI COLLEGE NEWS (from Ruth Taylor)Education has felt the brunt of Covid-19 over the past 2 years with ever changing guidance, the quick shift to online learning and then the constant battle to keep institutions open for students to be able to learn in person. King Ed's has been no different to any other, but we are proud of what we have achieved and how our staff and students have quickly and peacefully adapted to every change we have asked of them. MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS - IMPORTANTPlease be reminded that annual membership renewals fall due on 1st October and that membership cards (with the new door code which will be changed 1st week in November) will be behind the bar in due course for those who have paid or are life / free student members only (and have also completed their application to confirm they still wish to be members). Many thanks to the 95 of you who have ALREADY completed their online renewals form. Can everyone else please do the same asap prior to our October 31st cut off for changing the door code. Simply CLICK HERE>> UPCOMING EVENTSOur full events programme is beginning to re-emerge and is visible on our Events Calendar. Special mention should be made of :
PAST EVENTSWe are now in full flight with new events. The only recent past event to mention is the very successful President's Evening on September 4th. For full report click HERE>> 50-CLUB LOTTERY50-Club Lottery Monthly WinnersThere are a few lottery numbers still available for allocation. Click for more on this initiative which could be good for you and helps the Club funds. With less than 100 numbers, and 4 wins per month the chance of winning is probably the best of any regular lottery. September Winners£100 - R.Cutler Our thanks go to the indefatigable Clive Bowen-Davies for the considerable effort in managing the process and reimbursing the winners. CLUB UPDATEOngoing Refurbushments External BookingsWe are delighted that we can now welcome back our long-standing regular venue bookers. We particularly welcome new valued clients such as Stourbridge Rotary Club, Stourbridge Probus and Smethwick 41 Club as evidenced in our General Bookings Schedule>> ARCHIVIST'S UPDATE AND APPEALPast President Kenneth Wright has enthusiastically taken up his role as archivist of the Club and is well placed to do so with his experience as an acknowledged military historian. We are indebted to Kenneth, and to his wife, Annabelle for the massive amount of work already undertaken, ably assisted by Vice President Rob Hill on research and compilation. Disposal of Duplicate Artefacts All the surplus glass goblets have been taken over by members in exchange for the suggested donation, together with a number of tankards and booklets on the history of the Club. My thanks to all those members who have made donations and please enjoy the Club memorabilia. Your donations have raised sufficient funds to pay for one of the specialist box frames to house items of vintage School and Club clothing, which include two striped cricket blazers and cap from the pre-War era. These items are in the process of being prepared for display with others to follow, and will soon adorn the interior of the Club. Donations of Photographs and Other Memorabilia My thanks also go to those members who have been able to unearth old school photos and sundry other items which are much appreciated for the Club’s Archives. Some of the photos have already encouraged brain-storming for names of those featured in the photos and have stimulated fascinating recollections from some of our senior members, together with promoting happy memories. Further memorabilia of both the School and the Club are always very welcome. Contact: SNOOKER LEAGUE SUCCESS![]()
We are delighted to announce that Steve Ball was victorious in winning the League singles title recently. To make it a real family affair for the Balls, Sam lost in one final and Jack and Brett both made semi-finals. To fill our cup of success with joy and make it overflow, our Team B emerged top of Division 2 and will now be promoted. Again, the Ball family comprise most of Team B. Well done to all concerned on an excellent season (which was extended and competed recently due to the pandemic). STOURBRIDGE IN BLOOM WINS GOLDWe are pleased to report we have just heard from David Harcourt who tells us "I am so proud to announce that we have been awarded a GOLD award for 2021. In the toughest of years it is a magnificent result. Please share the news with your teams please". David’s team do a lot of work on our garden area facing the ring road and are responsible for the delightful boxes. Well done to David and the team. WHAT DO YOU THINK?Editor Chairman FEEDBACK Please reply to this email as appropriate.