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Stage two of the Proposed Christchurch Replacement District Plan is now notified and open for submissions

The stage two proposals are now available at www.proposeddistrictplan.ccc.govt.nz. There are also hard copies available for viewing at all Council service centres and libraries, including the civic offices at 53 Hereford Street.

Stage two includes definitions, papakainga, general rules, transport, Christchurch City Council designations, utilities, energy & infrastructure, hazardous substances, rural, open space, specific purpose zones (Defence Wigram, cemetery, Styx Mill Road transfer station, hospital, school, tertiary education and golf resort) and parts of the commercial, industrial residential, subdivision, development & earthworks chapters.

The Council has written to the owners and occupiers of all properties directly affected by the stage two proposals.  We are also delivering a newsletter to all households and out of town property owners.  This newsletter highlights some of the changes and includes a copy of the submission form.

The Specific Purpose Lyttelton Port Zone is not being notified with the remainder of the specific purposes chapter as it will be included within the Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan.  People are encouraged to submit on that recovery plan regarding port issues.  More information is at www.ecan.govt.nz/port.

Submissions open for 30 working days

There are now 30 working days for public submissions.  Submissions can be made online via the Council’s website, or using a District Plan Review submission form available from Council service centres and libraries during the submission period (or on request from our customer call centre).  A submission form is also included in the District Plan Review newsletter being delivered to all Christchurch households and PO Boxes.  Submissions on the stage two proposals close on Monday 15 June 2014.

Drop-in sessions

Drop-in sessions will be held across Christchurch to answer any questions or clarify content of the notified chapters.  You can attend any drop-in session that you wish.  They are informal and do not include presentations.  Click here to view dates and venues.

Important dates for stage two

  • Notification and submissions open           2 May 2015
  • Submissions close                                         15 June 2015
  • Further submission period opens              29 June 2015
  • Further submission period closes              13 July 2015
  • Further submissions published                  27 July 2015

The process then moves to the Independent Hearings Panel for hearings and decisions.

Remaining district plan review content (Natural & Cultural Heritage, Central City, Coastal and stage two Natural Hazard Chapters, Cranford Basin and Specific Purpose Zone - Flat Land Recovery) will be notified and opened for submissions on 27 June 2015. 

Existing plan changes progressing through the Resource Management Act process, including the Special Purpose Airport Zone plan change and the Ruapuna Plan change, will be dropped into the Replacement District Plan once their RMA processes are complete.

We welcome your involvement in the review process and invite you to share this information with others

The Proposed Christchurch Replacement District Plan is an online plan (as well as being available in hard copy format) and we encourage online submissions.  Click here to view a brief video showing how to use the online plan and how to make a submission.

If you have any queries about the District Plan Review content (or process) or need help using the online plan, please contact our call centre on 941 8999.  If our customer services representative can’t resolve your issue they will put you through to a planner who can help.  You can also email us on dpreview@ccc.govt.nz  or bring your query to one of our drop-in sessions.

Thank you for your interest in the District Plan Review.

Brigitte de Ronde
City Planning Unit Manager
Strategy and Planning Group
Christchurch City Council