BuildingLink |
Newsletter Issue 8
September 13, 2012

NEW MODULE: BuildingLink’s Employee TimeTracker puts an end to punch cards

Ever heard of biometric authentication, or the amazing Digital Persona fingerprint scanner? It sounds all fancy, but it’s the easiest and most straightforward solution to keep track of employees' times. Because trend sensitive as we are here at BuildingLink, we know that punch cards are going out of fashion. They are inefficient, prone to fraud and just simply so... yesterday.

With BuildingLink’s TimeTracker, all you need is your finger. Easy!

See how it works

KeyLink begins third production run with nothing to improve

A little over two years ago, in June 2010, BuildingLink introduced KeyLink, BuildingLink’s complete electronic key security hardware/software solution designed to organize your sets of keys, prevent unauthorized access, and provide a fully-documented audit trail of all key activities.

We’re now in our third production run of this comprehensive and intuitive key solution system, and we now have 175 buildings enjoying complete key security.

While our third KeyLink generation is in the making, let’s take a look at some interesting numbers, shall we?

take a look

Where to find us this fall

Now, be sure to save the dates below:

RHA Boston, Boston, MA – September 28
CAI-NJ Expo, Edison, NJ – October 27
ACMO/CCI Expo, Toronto, ON – November 2-3
CNYC Conference & Expo, New York, NY – November 11
NMHC Tech Conference, Dallas, TX – November 12-14

We're looking forward to seeing familiar faces and making new friends!

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