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August 2014

International Overdose Awareness Day August 31st

Information Campaign: When is Ecstasy not Ecstasy?

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Free Quality Standards Training for Drug & Alcohol Services

North Dublin Community CareQuality Champions Training is a free online training course for drug and alcohol services in Ireland. The course focuses on how services can implement quality standards in the workplace.

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Hepatitis C Awareness

Joy BarlowHepatitis C is an infection of the liver caused by the Hepatitis C virus.

It can cause inflammation (swelling) and fibrosis (scarring) of the liver tissue and sometimes significant liver damage.

Many people do not realise they have been infected with the virus because they may not have any symptoms, or they may have flu-like symptoms that can easily be mistaken for another illness.

To mark World Hepatitis Day 2014 we have updated our Hep C page to include two new videos: one with Dr Stephen Stewart discussing Hep C testing and treatment; and one with Lawrence Murphy discussing his experiences of living with Hep C.

Go to Hep C page


Dial to Stop Drug Dealing Campaign 2014

Alcohol forumThe 'Dial to Stop Drug Dealing' campaign, which has been in operation since September 2008, provides people with a safe and confidential means to pass on information on drug dealing. Since 2012, the initiative has been operated in partnership with Crimestoppers, which has an excellent track record in acting on confidential information.

This year the poster promoting the campaign has been designed by the winner of the poster category in the “Let’s Talk About Drugs" National Media Awards.

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Alcohol & Pregnancy Publication

Ohilip JenningsThe country’s three largest maternity hospitals have joined with Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, to warn of the damage that can be caused to the unborn child by drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

The dangers of drinking during pregnancy and advice for prospective mothers are outlined in a new information leaflet.

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Poll Results

We continued with the recent poll on cigarette packaging.

The question is:

Should the Government introduce plain packaging for cigarettes?

So far we have received 1974 votes. To date, the responses are:

Don't know: 266

Take the poll now!

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