Canada Announces Easing of Border Measures for Fully Vaccinated Travellers
Today, the Government of Canada announced that the Canada-US border will re-open to fully vaccinated US travellers on August 9, 2021 and intends to further re-open to all fully vaccinated travellers from other international countries on September 7, 2021 for recreational travel. This is exciting news for Whistler and we are thrilled to finally be able to welcome our international guests back to the resort!
As a first step, starting August 9, 2021, US travellers who have been fully vaccinated with one of Canada’s accepted COVID-19 vaccines or a combination of accepted vaccines at least 14 days prior will be allowed entry into Canada for non-essential travel.
Along with being fully vaccinated, travellers must also:
Further details including the press release, backgrounder, and related public health information from the Government of Canada’s announcement can be found on the Public Health Agency of Canada website: www.canada.ca/en/public-health
Tourism Whistler has worked hard to prepare for welcoming back our international guests and have developed a thoughtful marketing and communications approach designed to boost economic recovery with a continued focus on health, safety and responsible travel. With today’s exciting announcement, Tourism Whistler will expand its marketing efforts into the US, with a particular focus on Washington and California. For detailed information regarding Tourism Whistler’s seasonal marketing campaigns, please review our Campaign Toolkits here.
Visitor Servicing Resources & Tools
As we prepare to welcome back international travellers to the resort, Members are encouraged to utilize the COVID-19 tools and resources Tourism Whistler has created to assist you, and our guests, while COVID-19 continues to impact the visitor experience:
COVID-19 Information & Resources for Travellers — This landing page on whistler.com serves as a one-stop-shop for visitors, providing the latest local, provincial and national updates related to COVID-19.
Adventure Differently — This trip planning page on whistler.com aligns with Tourism Whistler’s summer marketing campaign, Adventure Deeply, and includes Whistler’s Adventure Differently Pillars, which highlight the expectations Whistler has of everyone who plans to spend time in the resort this summer, as well as Six Tips for Conscious Travel.
Ask Whistler — The Ask Whistler Mobile Chat Service functions as a personalized concierge, allowing visitors to speak with knowledgeable whistler.com/visitor service agents via SMS Text, WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.
COVID-19 Information & Resources for Members — Tourism Whistler has created a centralized COVID-19 resource hub for Members on the member website featuring the latest resort updates, advisories, guidance and tools.
*Please note, the Doors Open Directory remains a valuable visitor servicing resource, however, the directory will be undergoing formatting updates in the coming weeks to align with Step 3 of BC’s Restart Plan.