August 2018

Making development assessment easier and faster

Feedback is now sought on how development in South Australia will be assessed, approved and monitored in our new planning system.

The Assessment Pathways discussion paper proposes a new model of assessing development applications to ensure faster approvals, better design, more consistent development outcomes and greater investment in South Australia.

The Performance Indicators discussion paper sets out a new way of monitoring development applications across the state and measuring the success of our planning system.

The draft Accredited Professionals Scheme aims to improve the professionalism of decision-makers in the planning system. Regulations for the Scheme, together with the skills and qualification requirements, and a code of conduct have now been drafted following feedback received from the Accredited Professionals discussion paper earlier this year.

You are invited to provide feedback about these important planning reforms via the Have Your Say page of the SA Planning Portal. Consultation on all documents is open until 17 October 2018.

To help inform the community and industry about the new assessment pathways and performance indicators we will be holding workshops in late September. Please visit the Consultation Events page on the SA Planning Portal to register.

In addition we have listened to community feedback and are extending consultation on the Draft State Planning Policies to 21 September 2018.

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