Editor's note

Pope Francis recently removed a secrecy rule going back to the days of the Inquisition that allowed the Catholic Church to conceal any information it considered sensitive. In present times, the rule, known as Pontifical Secrecy, allowed church officials and the clergy to withhold information in cases of sexual abuse. While this is a step forward, law professor Christine P. Bartholomew writes that there are many other practices that the Catholic Church can “rely on” to keep information secret.

There was curiosity and surprise when The Gambia filed suit at the International Court of Justice against Myanmar over the persecution of its minority Rohingya. But Kerstin Carlson and Line Engbo Gissel argue that the small West African country’s invocation of the Genocide Convention is politically and legally significant, not least for the potential it signals about the application of international law by actors in the global south.

A new census shows that the population of mountain gorillas in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable Forest national park has risen to 459 individuals from 400 in 2011. But the numbers might not be reliable. Katerina Guschanski explains why.

Kalpana Jain

Senior Religion + Ethics Editor

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Pope Francis recently removed a secrecy rule to increase transparency for sexual abuse cases. AP Photo/Andrew Medichini

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