Editor's note

Although the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled not to reinstate President Trump's travel ban, the case may still go to the Supreme Court. It’s important to consider the medical costs of such a ban: it could worsen our doctor shortage. John Burkhardt and Mahshid Abir of the University of Michigan explain that about one-fourth of doctors in graduate medical training come from countries other than the U.S. They often fill positions in primary care, and rural and safety net hospitals that might otherwise go vacant.

And, continuing our series for Black History Month, we look back at the often forgotten contributions of African-Americans who served in segregated units to liberate Europe from the Nazis in World War II. Maria Höhn of Vassar College writes, “It was that experience that convinced many of these veterans to continue their struggle for equality when they returned home to the U.S.”

Lynne Anderson

Senior Editor, Health & Medicine

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Exam room in a rural Alabama hospital. Brynn Anderson/AP

How a travel ban could worsen doctor shortages in US hospitals and threaten primary care

John Burkhardt, University of Michigan; Mahshid Abir, University of Michigan

About one in four physicians in graduate medical education is from another country. Here's how a travel ban could harm them, and our health care system.

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