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"Success doesn't come to you; you go to it."

Success:  Next Exit

Hi friend,

Welcome to the 7th issue of the Moose is Loose

Motivation is not always the easiest of things to put our finger on.  It is a subjective, underlying driving force that resonates within all of us.  Unfortunately sometimes our motivation becomes muffled and suppressed, placing other things in our life first.  

Imagine the following scenario:  

Suzie wakes up after 5 hours of sleep to get breakfasts made for the kids, ensuring everyone is ready to head out for the day ahead.  Suzie then heads to work for a 7 hour shift, followed by another 4 hours of taxiing the kids from appointment to appointment after school.  Once she finally arrives back home around 7pm, she makes dinner, helps the kids with their homework, and finally gets the kids in bed.   It's now 10:30 at night and she finally sits down on the couch, overwhlemed with the thought about everything that needs to be done for tomorrow.  Knowing how important her health is, Suzie knows she needs to get her workout in, but just can't seem to find the motivation... REPEAT.  

How many times have we found ourselves in this same situation?  It's a cycle that many of us have found ourselves in.  Finding motivation to break the cycle isn't easy, it requires energy, it requires dedication, and more than anything it requires a REASON/a WHY.  

(Here's my WHY)

What's your WHY?  What does it mean to break the cycles and habits that keep us from advancing or improving?  What drives you to do the things you do?  All of these are questions we need to ask ourselves daily and once we find the answers, we can set our sights on our goals and let our passions drive us.   

Go to it!  Get your success... deep down, you already know the path to follow and it's just a matter of taking that first step and creating the momentum to follow through.  I believe in you as do others in your spheres of influence, cut out the nay sayers and stick with the positive people and reach your goals and live the life you want.

Do you have an accountability coach?  Email me directly and I will help you find your success.  WARNING, only do this if you are committed to following through 120%.  I'm excited to help you get results...

And remember, Always Keep Moving 

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The Body Mass Index (BMI): Accurate or not?

Borderline Obese?

There’s more to measuring  fitness than gender, height and weight.  Being FIT, no matter where you’re at in life, can be based on many more accurate methods.  For years I have been telling people that the BMI is not an accurate indicator of health and fitness.  As of late, I’ve seen some reputable sources quote the Body Mass Index as...

Read the full article here.

Zone Diet vs. Paleo Diet: What's the difference?

Food pyramid?  What's that?

There are a lot of diets out there. I’m sure you have tried or know someone who have tried a popular diet before. If you go to your local bookstore and look at the diet/weight loss section, you will see a plethora of books like the Zone Diet, the Atkins Diet, the Mediterranean Diet, etc. Diet books are a dime a dozen, most of the diets that you find are “fad” diets, you must delve further into the science and research behind the diets in order to make the best decision for yourself...  

... continue reading here.

Makes you think: "Carbs are killing you" infographic

Carbs are killing you infographic

Recently I posted this graphic on Facebook and it garnered a lot of attention.... what are your thoughts?  

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