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Let's Talk about Drugs Youth Media Awards category winners announced

Campaign Launch: What's in the Powder?

The campaign builds on the success of the partnership achieved with the recent 'What's in the Pill?' campaign - now supported by 15 third level institutes and the Union of Students in Ireland.

Difficulties facing Irish grandparents with drug-dependent children

A recent piece of research by the National Family Support Network entitled: 'Caring for Grandchildren in Kinship Care: What Difficulties Face Irish Grandparents with Drug-Dependent Children?' focuses on the experience of Irish grandparents providing full-time care for grandchildren whose birth parents were drug-dependent.

To coincide with the launch of the research we have produced a video interview with the research authors and also a video of a story by Maureen Penrose, who talks about her experience of caring for her grandchildren.

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So prohibition can work?

A study by researchers in Trinity College Dublin entitled 'So prohibition can work?' was recently published in the 'International Journal of Drug Policy'. The research examined rates of use of head shop drugs (NPS) among adolescents attending addiction treatment both before and after the introduction of new drug legislation in Ireland in 2010.

One finding from the study was that in the pre-legislation group 1 every 3 young people accessing the service had an NPS as part of their problematic drug use. In the post-legislation group this was figure was zero.

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Videos: Help Not Harm Symposium

Help Not Harm held a pre-election Symposium in Buzzwells hotel in February. It was billed as a unique opportunity for politicians, policy makers, professionals and campaigners to critically examine current drug policy and showcase innovative new policies being developed across the world.

We have added videos of the presentations to the site.

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Videos: SAOL Conference - Trauma Informed Care

Leo VaradkarThis conference was aimed at professionals working with people in addiction and recovery, highlighting the fact that at least 80% of women and 50% of men attending services have been impacted by trauma.

Speakers for the conference include:
Dr. Marguerite Woods (Rialto community Drug Team) - Trauma Informed Care in an addiction setting Dr. Sarah Morton (UCD) - Trauma, Addiction and Domestic Violence Dr. Rosaleen McElvaney (DCU) - The Impact of Trauma on Children Gary Broderick and Barry Costello (SAOL) - Implementing 'Seeking Safety' in SAOL.

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Poll Results

Our most recent poll poses the following question:
Should drug testing kits be widely available in Ireland?

A total of 2552 responses have been received. To date, the results are:

No: 417
Yes: 1854
Not sure: 281

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