BuildingLink |
Newsletter Issue 11
October 1, 2013

Parking Permits are a “Walk in the Park” with our new module!

When it comes to parking, no two buildings operate in quite the same way.  And that’s why we built our newly-released Parking Permits module to be really “smart.”  It does the basics, of course, allowing  your property to easily print and track parking permits for resident and guest parking. But then it gets interesting, by allowing you to set your own custom rules.

Maybe your property allocates a specific number of guest parking permits to each unit/apartment per day, week, month or year. Maybe you charge a fee for each issued permit, or perhaps there’s only a fee for printing additional permits beyond a certain number.   Maybe you have different types of permits for hourly, daily or weekend parking, with different expiration dates and different quantity limits and fees.  Whatever your parking “reality” is, we’ve got you covered.

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"Authorized Computers" Option Adds a New Dimension of Security for your Data

By now you probably know that we’re obsessed with data integrity and security.  So this time, we’ve really pushed the envelope!  While traditional software security provides just two dimensions—you decide who has access to what data—our new state-of-the-art security option adds a where component. 

In addition to dictating who can access BuildingLink and customizing what information each person will see, you now have the option to restrict BuildingLink access to specific computers and physical locations you deem “Authorized.”   Now you can control your data's “where”!

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Did You Know?

We now have two soundproof recording booths in our office! Why, you ask?  Because we typically hold at least 10 remote phone/screenshare training sessions for clients' staff every week, and it’s crucial to our Support teams that they be able to give your staff our undivided attention. Our booths are the same types used by professional recording studios and voice-over companies for optimal acoustics.  They allow us to hear you better, and help keep the focus only on you and your training needs!


Visit us at these upcoming trade shows:

CAI-SEFL Day of Education and Trade Expo 
Oct. 3, 2013
"BuildingLink" Booth
Gulfstream Casino and Raceway, FL

Minneapolis Multi Housing Association: Convention Products Show
Oct. 8, 2013
Booth #03
St. Paul RiverCentre, St. Paul, MN 5510

The Chicagoland Condo, HOA, Co-op & Apartment Management Expo
Oct. 22, 2013
Booth #306
The Navy Pier Convention Center, Chicago, IL

2013 NMHC OpTech Expo
Nov. 11-13, 2013
Booth #136
Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX

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