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28 May - 1 June 2018

Dear Colleague,

On Tuesday (29 May), the Security Council will hold a briefing on the humanitarian situation in Syria. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock is expected to brief. Consultations are scheduled to follow.

There will also be a briefing on Ukraine on Tuesday. The anticipated briefers are Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Rosemarie DiCarlo, Lowcock, and Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to the Ukraine Ertugrul Apakan, who will participate via VTC.

On Wednesday (30 May), a briefing is scheduled on the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), followed by consultations. Briefers are expected to include: Special Representative for Iraq and head of UNAMI Ján Kubiš, Under-Secretary-General of the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) Vladimir Voronkov, and  Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) Michèle Coninsx.

Also on Wednesday, Ambassador Karel van Oosterom (Netherlands), the chair of the 1718 Sanctions Committee on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), will brief members in consultations on the work of the Committee.

A resolution renewing the South Sudan sanctions regime and the mandate of the 2206 South Sudan Sanctions Committee’s Panel of Experts is expected to be adopted on Thursday (31 May).

At press time, Council members were negotiating a draft resolution on the protection of Palestinian civilians.

At the subsidiary body level, there will be an open meeting of the 1373 Counter-Terrorism Committee on Tuesday (29 May) that focuses on countering terrorist narratives and preventing terrorist use of the Internet.

On Thursday (31 May), an open briefing of the 2206 South Sudan Sanctions Committee will be held. It is expected to focus on the final report of the Panel of Experts and will include the participation of South Sudan and other member states in the region.

Russia assumes the monthly presidency of the Security Council on Friday (1 June).  

Background information on these and other issues has been published in the May 2018 Monthly Forecast.  

Further Council developments will be published on What’s In Blue.

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