Editor's note

Twelve years ago, the Sino Congolaise des Mines (Sicomines) was billed as "the deal of the century". It gave Chinese partners mining rights to cobalt and copper in the DRC; in exchange, China agreed to build much-needed infrastructure projects such as urban roads, highways and hospitals. But the deal, write Andoni Maiza Larrarte and Gloria Claudio-Quiroga, has not lived up to expectations – and its failings hold lessons for other African countries doing business with China.

There are only about 1000 mountain gorillas left in the wild, which is why conservationists are so worried by the behaviour of the population living in Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park. These gorillas are leaving protected areas to raid nearby farms' crops of plants that are rich in sodium. Cyril Grueter explains why this is so dangerous.

Social media and digital technologies can be used to rapidly spread fake news. In today's episode of Pasha, Professor Tawana Kupe explains the role that well-communicated science can play in fighting fake news on any platform.

Caroline Southey


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Copper was part of the deal between the DRC and the Chinese company Sicomines. Shutterstock

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The gorilla population in Rwanda remains fragile. Shutterstock

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