Hello enableme member
As 2016 draws to a close it's a great time to reflect on the incredible stories, conversations, blogs and goals made on enableme.
Our community has grown to nearly 4000 members, we've seen friendships built and people reaching out to help others by sharing their words of advice. There has been so many inspirational, helpful and supportive conversations throughout the year.
Six enableme Podcasts have recorded and have been listened to over 4000 times. Two group chats have been hosted, and we look forward to delivering more in 2017.
In 2017 you'll see some changes to the lay-out of the site from the amazing feedback that you've provided over the year. We always love hearing from you so email enableme@strokefoundation.org.au with your comments.
enableme is your community, you have been instrumental in making enableme the warm and compassionate place it is.
Thank you for making enableme the remarkable stroke recovery website that it is.