Theme Song Deadline

The deadline date for the Theme Song Contest is February 2, 2014. Though previous newsletters listed different dates, we would like to honor the date listed on the entry form – February 2, 2014. If you have submitted a theme song, but would like to revise it, you may do so by marking your subsequent entry as a "revised version" of the original. We are not able to return the originals. We are in the process of evaluating the current entries, so please submit your entry as soon as possible.
For more information: Contact - Michelle Mota, Nighttime Administrative Assistant.
Orchestra Auditions Now Open

What an amazing opportunity to be a part of the 150 member Camporee Orchestra for Sabbath Morning, August 16, 2014!
If you are interested, and are ages 9 to 19, you may audition by video with a selected piece of music chosen from the Camporee Orchestra Music on the FFIC Website.
Once you have uploaded your video to YouTube or Vimeo, please fill out the online application form on the FFIC Website.
The deadline to submit your orchestra audition is December 25, 2013. There are only 150 Orchestra spots available. The Orchestra members will be announced January 1, 2014, in the FFIC Newsletter. Watch for the announcement in a special-edition newsletter.
For more information: Contact - Randy Griffin, Nighttime Program Director.
North America Club International Host Updates

If you volunteered to host International guests when you registered, please update your registration with any changes: Number you can host; the name and contact info of your club leader. This will greatly expedite hosting arrangements. If you would like to host Pathfinders from a particular country - Contact Ken Veal, Camporee Hosting Coordinator.
Volunteers Needed

The success of the International Camporee tremendously depends on the assistance of camporee volunteers. Volunteers provide support for each area of the camporee: Administration, Daytime & Nighttime Programming, Communication, Facilities, Safety, Medical, and others.
If you are interested in applying to be a Camporee Volunteer Staff, you can do so now! We are in need of assistance in the following areas:
Medical (Physicians, nurses, EMT's & Physical Therapists)
FFIC Radio Station and Two-Way Radio Dispatchers
Bilingual Volunteers for Registration (French, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese)
Setup (Registration, Tent Set-up)
Facilities (Shower Maintenance, Equipment)
Photography Professionals
Please fill out your volunteer application form on the CYE Website:
Like all Camporee & Pathfinder Staff, Volunteers are responsible for purchasing their Camporee tickets and providing their own food and lodging while at the camporee.
For more information: Contact - Karacan Sayrun-Thomas, Volunteer Coordinator.
Adventist Rodders Club

The Adventist Rodders Club had a presence at the last three International Camporees! So if you are a member of the Adventist Rodders Club, or have an antique or classic car that you can bring to the Camporee to possibly be selected to be used in parades contact - Donny Gore.
All antique/classic cars brought to the FFIC will be exhibited.
For more information about the club: Visit -
Oshkosh Walk Around Orientation

The Camporee Walk-Around orientation is scheduled for Tuesday, April 22, 2014 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. All are welcome to attend this important meeting.
For more information: Contact - Vern Byrd, Facility Director.
Pathfinder Clubs $1000.00 InStep Award

The NAD Adventist InStep for Life initiative is offering a $1000.00 award for the top clubs who register their physical activity miles in 2013! Check out the link below and find out how your club can compete for this great award.
FFIC Arrival and Departure Information

Oshkosh Arrival Options:
You may arrive Monday, August 11, 2014 after 12:00 Noon CST.
You may arrive Tuesday, August 12, 2014. It is suggested that you arrive before 12:00 Noon CST so you can set up before the opening nighttime program beginning at 7:30 pm CST.
Oshkosh Departure Options:
Saturday night, August 16, 2014, after sundown, you can tear down your campsite and depart one hour after the final closing program.
Sunday morning, August 17, 2014, you may depart anytime before 10:00 am CST.
For more information: Contact - Dileanny Guada Registration Coordinator.
Promotional Videos

Click on the links below to download the FFIC promotional videos.
Camporee Address

The Camporee grounds covers a very large area at the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). Therefore, it is difficult to give accurate directions to the site itself. Below is the physical address for the Air Museum, which is onsite. This should be used for direction purposes only and NOT for mailing packages. 3000 Poberezny Road Oshkosh, WI 54902
Fun Facts

Q. How many North America tickets are available?
(Now only 31,000 tickets are left)
Q. How many international tickets are available?
(Now only 1,850 tickets are left)
Q. How many Day Passes are available?
(Now only 1,980 tickets are left)
Q. When does the price of all tickets go up?
(After February 1 the new price will be $215.00)
Q. At the last 2009 International Camporee who was the Bible story about?
Q. What was in the sky on the final night that "WOWED" the crowd?
(You are welcome to submit your best pictures to - Ron Whitehead)
Q. How many people were baptized at the 2009 Courage To Stand Camporee?
(Two new pools have been bought, we are planing on having 1,000 baptisms at the 2014 FFIC.)
Start Fundraising Now!

It is never too early, or too late, to start fundraising for the 2014 Forever Faithful International Camporee!
Here are some ideas:
Auction: Have individuals, groups and businesses donate goods and services. Be creative in what you can auction off and make certain that the goods and services are sold at reasonable prices.
Kilometers of Coins: Gather donations of coins (pennies, dimes, or quarters) and lay them side-by-side until they stretch out to be a kilometer long. Alternatively, surround your gym, library, or parking lot with the coins.
If you have successful fundraising stories you would like to share: Contact Dileanny Guada, Registration Coordinator.
North America Conferences show support for Oshkosh

The Washington Conference has cancelled summer 2014 Pastor Workers Meeting so pastors can go with there cubs to Oshkosh.
Thank you Washington Conference for your support for the FFICamporee and your local Pathfinders.
Gene Clapp, Texas Conference Pathfinder Coordinator say, "Emotions are very high and plans are being made by 98% of the clubs to attend. I anticipate Texas will again be the largest Conference at FFIC with an even bigger representation than 3000! Probably more like 3500."
Would you like to show your support for Oshkosh? Send your short message to Dileanny Guada, Registration Coordinator.
Welcome New FFIC Staff

The Center for Youth Evangelism welcomes
Michelle Mota, Administrative Assistant for the FFIC Nighttime Program.
Eric Hansen, the Indian / First Nation activity honor and exhibit coordinator.
For more information about these and other team members, visit the Camporee Administration page.
Adventist Risk Management Insurance

Camporee Travel Accident Insurance Now Available!
As Pathfinder Clubs around the world make their travel plans for the 2014 Forever Faithful International Camporee in Oshkosh next summer it is critical to provide travel accident insurance for all Pathfinders and adults in your group. Adventist Risk Management is pleased to announce special Camporee Travel Accident Insurance is now available for all Pathfinder groups at our website:
For 2014 there are two types of Travel Accident Insurance available depending on your Club’s country of residence:
United States based Pathfinder Clubs:
Travel & Camporee – Travel accident coverage round-trip from your departure location to Oshkosh, Wisconsin with an addition of up to seven (7) added travel days for personal deviation in route. This allows Clubs to include side trips/activities in addition to attending the Forever Faithful Camporee. Cost: $4.55 per person. Coverage includes: $50,000 for accidental medical expense, subject to a $100 deductible. Accidental dental expenses are $250 per tooth subject to a maximum of $500. Accidental Death & Dismemberment benefits of $50,000. Additional benefits may apply – See policy summary listed on the ARM website.
Camporee Only – Accident coverage from Monday, August 11th through Saturday, August 16, 2014 during the Camporee event only at the Oshkosh, Wisconsin site. Cost: $2.33 per person. Coverage includes: $50,000 for accidental medical expense, subject to a $100 deductible. Accidental dental expenses are $250 per tooth subject to a maximum of $500. Accidental Death & Dismemberment benefits of $50,000. Additional benefits may apply – See policy summary listed on the ARM website.
This insurance is underwritten by the ACE Insurance group with rates and coverage unchanged from the 2009 Courage to Stand International Camporee. This insurance provides your Pathfinder Club with broader coverage than the standard accident insurance provided for Club activities by your Conference.
International based Pathfinder Clubs:
All Pathfinder Clubs located outside of the United States {including Canada and Bermuda} are unfortunately, not eligible to purchase the ACE travel accident insurance program. International Pathfinder Clubs should purchase ARM’s Short Term Travel Accident Insurance for all Pathfinders and adults traveling with your group. Several coverage options are available to provide accidental medical/illness expense coverage, emergency evacuation/repatriation and other travel related expenses. Please see the ARM website for a full explanation of coverage options and costs.
To Learn More follow this link --
If you need further assistance please call ARM Customer Care – Toll Free (888) 951-4276
PAID ADVERTISEMENT - Travel Leaders - Travel Agency

Travel Leaders is looking forward to welcoming the 2014 Pathfinder Camporee “Forever Faithful,” back to our wonderful city.
Our office is once again looking forward to assisting any camporee attendees with group and individual airfare, hotel accommodations & transportation from local airports like Appleton, Green Bay, Milwaukee & Chicago O’Hare. Airfare rates from major airlines will be available for quotes on September 23rd, 2013.
If you are in need of accommodations, transportation or airfare quotes, please visit our website at the link below.
Visitors interested in renting a camper may contact the two companies below for rates and availability.
1) Van Boxtel RV – Toll Free 888-831-5267
2) Appleton Camping Center – Toll Free 800-924-7566
Travel Leaders
Toll Free - 800-289-3932
**This agency is independent and separate from Forever Faithful International Camporee.
PAID ADVERTISEMENT - Lake Michigan Carferry- SS Badger

Lake Michigan Carferry- SS Badger
Big Ship, More Fun!
Experience the fun shortcut across Lake Michigan as you head to the Forever Faithful Camporee in Oshkosh!
The SS Badger provides a safe, fun, and reliable cruise between Michigan and Wisconsin. Our dock in Wisconsin is only 60 miles from Oshkosh.
Badger passengers can take advantage of traditional favorites including free Badger Bingo, free movies and satellite television, seven different lounge areas, a children’s play area, an onboard gift shop, a recently renovated arcade, private staterooms, two separate food service areas, and expansive outside decks for lounging or walking.
The 410’ S.S. Badger, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, can accommodate 600 passengers and 180 vehicles, including RVs, trailers, and buses.
The Badger sails daily between Ludington, MI and Manitowoc, WI. For additional information, please call (800) 841-4243 or visit Group rates are available to parties of 15 or more passengers. Call today to book your cruise!
S.S. Badger 1953 - 2013 – Creating Great Experiences for over 60 Years!
**This agency is independent and separate from Forever Faithful International Camporee.

Looking for an "out-of-the-box" fundraising idea for your Pathfinder club?
Everyday Matters Magazine has developed a new idea that can bring up to $5000 to your Pathfider (sp?) Club.
For more information visit: or Contact: Joel A. Freeman
**This agency is independent and separate from Forever Faithful International Camporee

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**This agency is independent and separate from Forever Faithful International Camporee.
A Thank You to Our FFIC Sposnors

This newsletter has been brought to you by:
Adventist Risk Management, INC
Andrews University
Lake Union Conference of Seventh-Day
Ellen White Estate
Association of Adventist Colleges and Universities