BuildingLink |
(877) 501-7117
Newsletter Issue 16
June 18, 2015

Preparing Incident Reports is Now Quick and Easy

Timing is everything when it comes to preparing an incident report. The longer your staff waits, the more likely a minor issue now, like a noise complaint or a medical incident, will turn into a major legal issue later. Having detailed reports available when you need them can prevent frivolous lawsuits and make your building a safer place to live and work.

Safeguard yourself and your staff with a powerful ally: BuildingLink’s newly-launched, hassle-free, and highly flexible Incident Report Module.


New Email Log Makes Locating Messages a Breeze

You care about your residents, so you don’t want to lose your important correspondence with them under a mountain of other emails. That’s why we’ve added a new feature that saves you time when searching for that proverbial needle in the haystack. Our new Email Log is an easy, transparent way to locate your messages, all stored in one place and securely accessible to the staff members you choose to empower.


We’re Putting on Another Great Show in 2015

Sometimes people think we’re magicians. Understandable, since our innovative technology and world-class support make building management as easy as pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

We put on a great show in 2014, welcoming 670 new buildings into our family. Now 2,831 buildings across 34 states and 16 countries depend on BuildingLink to manage their properties more efficiently!

To find out what we’ve got in store for our next big show, ask for a 2015 BuildingLink Roadmap. You’ll see that the real magic is our passion for superior building management solutions.


Join Us at an Upcoming Tradeshow!

Las Vegas, NV
2015 NAA Education Conference & Exposition

Thursday – Friday: June 25-26, 2015
Mandalay Bay Convention Center

Boston, MA
RHA Multifamily Conference & Expo

Tuesday: September 29, 2015
Hynes Convention Center

Davie, FL
CAI-SEFL: Day of Education and Trade Expo 
Saturday: October 3, 2015
The Signature Grand

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