If you had to increase your physical activity, what kind of exercise do you think of first? Walking, jogging or working out in a gym?
Have you considered dance? Dance and fitness go hand-in-hand. Just ask Medika Thorpe from Move It Mob Style, a fitness program combining hip hop and movement.
Whilst the program is focussed on encouraging young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to be active, Medika says dancing is good for everyone.
"No-one’s ever not fit for dancing," says Medika.
"So anyone out there that wants to dance can get into it.
"There’s no shame about it, that’s the uniqueness about dancing, everyone’s got their own style ... there’s no wrong style," she said.
Image: Medika with Move It Mob Style participants in Gladstone. Photo provided courtesty of the Deadly Vibe Group, producers of Move It Mob Style®.