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Soil Moisture Monitoring
26 June 2020
2020 Issue 3
In this edition:

The soil moisture monitoring project, with the use of underground probes, provides real time soil water content data to Victoria’s farmers.

Monitoring sites have been set up in cropping regions throughout the state by Agriculture Victoria.

The sites record soil water content at one source point from 30 centimetres down to one metre as a reference point for a paddock.

Sites monitored include: Werrimul, Ouyen, Speed, Kerang, Birchip, Normanville, Lah, Bangerang, Taylors Lake, Coonooer Bridge, Raywood, Elmore, Youanmite, Hamilton, Lake Bolac, Tatyoon, and Sale.
Locations of Agriculture Victoria soil moisture monitoring sites

To access information provided in the graphs, log onto the new Agriculture Victoria soil moisture monitoring dashboard at

No login or passwords required, and speedos automatically updated.

May rainfall deciles for Victoria

Figure 1: May rainfall deciles for Victoria

In May it was wetter than average in  South-West Victoria and West Gippsland, below average for  North-West and parts of  North-East, while Central Victoria was average.

Month to day june rainfall totals

Figure 2. June 1-24 rainfall for Victoria

The Mallee has had less than 25 millimetres for June (month to date) while from Echuca - and across to the east – there’s been more than 25 millimetres keeping the conditions wet.  The far south west  is becoming wet with another 50 millimetres of rain.

The monitoring areas in central Gippsland have also had less than 25 millimetres and further rain is required.

AWRA soil moisture annomoly

Figure 3: AWRA modelled soil moisture

Large areas of the Victorian cropping regions have average modelled soil moisture conditionsconditions, but some parts of the southern Mallee have dried down to be below average. There is a considerable area of North Central and North East Victoria that is above average. Some low-lying areas within those districts maybe susceptible to varying levels of water logging.

Speedo assessments

Soil moisture measurements on the Agriculture Victoria monitoring network show that in the Mallee, sites are generally similar to this time last year (24 June 2019) while the Wimmera sites are slightly drier after hay and up to 50 per cent drier following high yielding grain crops.

North Central and North East Victoria are still wet after summer rains and well above average April rainfall. These sites are wetter than a year ago and currently conditions in those areas range from excellent to wet, with some low-lying areas waterlogged. High soil moisture could be problematic with further rain and low evaporation in winter.

Increases to soil moisture stagnated during June with generally lower rainfall than normal. Some crops and pastures with high growth from early sowing (particularly vetch/cereal mixes and canola), used soil moisture throughout the month.

In South-West Victoria, the moisture improvements have been moderate during the past three months, but in recent weeks some districts have built up a solid moisture profile with more than 50 millimetres of rain for the month.

Soil moisture speedos at 23 june 2020
Speedo soil moisture graphs
Werrimull soil moisture (30-100cm)
Werrimull Speedo, moisture currently 40%
Speed soil moisture (30-100cm)
Speed deep soil moisture levels currenly 82 per cent

Early sown vetch has been using some shallow moisture but despite this, deep moisture reserves are high. Conditions in the district are great.

Ouyen soil moisture (30-100cm)
Ouyen deep soil moisture levels currently 27 per cent
Summed soil moisture graph - Ouyen showing trend line changes over the past year

Ouyen summed soil moisture graph – 12 month view

An early sown vetch crop and moisture has got down to 40 centimetres this season. Expect more consistent soil moisture trend changes from this point onwards, either from rainfall or plant water use.  To-date, it appears the recent decreases have been linked to cooling soil temperatures, which occur every autumn at this site.

Normanville soil moisture (30-100cm)
Normanville speedo moisture currently 50%

New moisture from 2020 has moved down to 50 centimetres providing ideal growing conditions for crops in the district. Residual moisture from 2018 still exists at 80 centimetres and below after the lentil crop last year only used moisture down to 70 centimetres.

Birchip soil moisture (30-100cm)
Birchip speedos moisture currently 82%
Brim soil moisture (30-100cm)
Brim speedo moisture currently 40%
Brim summed soil moisture graph

Brim summed soil moisture graph – 20 month view

Moisture improvements have been 30 per cent this year coming from a dry base of 7 per cent at harvest time.  Conditions are excellent with moisture down to 40 - 50 centimetres promoting good crop growth.  There is capacity to absorb more water with the next rain in the top horizon and then water can infiltrate down deeper. The percentage moisture to depth chart shows there is large scope to build up moisture reserves below 60 centimetres at this site.

Sheep Hills soil moisture (30-100cm)
Sheep Hills speedo 65 per cent

Half of the moisture profile was left after the crop was cut for hay last year.  Total moisture peaked at 75 per cent in autumn.  This seasons moisture has infiltrated down to 60 centimetres and connected up to the residual moisture.  Early sown vetch has been grazed and plants were using more water than received by rain in May.  Moisture use has slowed in response to frosts in June. This site would be typical of paddocks with hay history last year, but data shows grain crop rotations are drier in the district.

Taylors Lake soil moisture (30-100cm)
Taylors Lake speedo soil moisture currently 10%

The site  at Taylors Lake was grazed in autumn from the germination of volunteer barley which used water and prevented the accumulation of moisture.  Canola has been sown at this site and neighbouring paddocks with summer/autumn weed control would have higher moisture levels.

North Central
Coonooer Bridge soil moisture (30-100cm)
Coonooer Bridge speedo current moisture 95%
Elmore soil moisture (30-100cm)
Elmore speedo current soil moisture 62%
Elmore summed soil mositure graph sowing trend line changes over the past 12 months

Elmore summed soil moisture graph – 12 month view

Clay loam soil with a 30 - 45 per cent silt component has consistent levels of soil moisture right down the profile.  This soil type has rapid wet up and draining characteristics. A push rod can easily reach 60 centimetres and SMM data indicates 2020 infiltration down 70 centimetres.

Two examples from the soil water app showing very similar conditons (modelled) to the ag vic smm probe data. Range of 68, 76 and 84 per cent.

Two reports generated from the soil water app, same rainfall, but modelled with two different soil types found locally.  The Agriculture Victoria soil moisture probe, with assumptions of a near full profile in the unmeasured zone of 0 - 30 centimetres is 76 per cent. General rule is not to rely on one source of information but to utilise other data. Soil type can make large differences to moisture availability.

Raywood soil moisture (30-100cm)
Raywood speedos current soil moisture 100%
North East
Youanmite soil moisture (30-100cm)
Youanmite speedo moisture currently 100%
Youanmite summed soil moisture graph

Youanmite summed soil moisture graph – 12 month view

Soil moisture profile has been full since the start of May.

Youanmite stacked indivdual soil moisture graph

Individual stacked sensor soil moisture graph – Youanmite 12 month view

All moisture sensors down through the soil profile are now saturated.  District paddocks with high soil moisture could be problematic with further rain and low evaporation in winter.

Gippsland cropping
Gippsland (Giffard) soil moisture (30-100cm)
Gippsland speedo moisture currently 74 per cent
Giffard West summed soil moisture graph

South of Sale (Giffard) summed soil moisture graph – 12 month view

Phoenix canola sown in early April with grazing opportunities to be utilised in winter before lock up for seed.  The canola used water during June, but good soil moisture levels are located deep in the profile (70 centimetres plus) of this predominately clay based soil that has good water holding capacity.

South West
Lake Bolac Pasture SMM (30-100cm)
Lk Bolac (pasture) soil moisture levels at 27 per cent
Lake Bolac summed soil moisture graph showing very little soil moisture improvment in 2020.

Summed soil moisture graph – Lake Bolac 12 month view

Deep soil moisture level increases with perennial pasture at the Lake Bolac monitoring site have been minimal.   Autumn rain was converted to pasture production. Cropping sites in the district would be wetter. High moisture down to 50 centimetres provides ideal conditions for plant growth and rain in the past week has moved moisture further down past the wet soil horizons to 60 centimetres.

Hamilton soil moisture (30-100cm)
Hamilton deep soil moisture levels at 100 per cent
Yalla-Y-Poora soil moisture (30-100cm)
Yalla-y-poora speedo showing moisture levels about 48 per cent

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