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In this issue

Welcome from the Head of Gawura
Key dates
Important reminders for carers
Character and Wellbeing
Music News
Library news
Gifted and Talented news
Sports news
What's on: upcoming events and activities

Welcome from the Head of Gawura


All school uniforms are provided to our Gawura students as part of the scholarship. We don’t provide new unforms every year but ask that when your child outgrows their current uniform that you just let us know, return the uniform and our lovely ladies in the Uniform Shop will replace them as required. This is because all of our students, regardless of gender have growth spurts at different ages. If a student loses a uniform clothing item then a second hand one can be given to the student but if there has been several items lost within a short time then there will be a charge to the students account for the price of the second hand item. Once any item is outgrown, a brand new item of the uniform will be provided for free. The Uniform Shop keeps a record of all items that have been provided to our students including the date they were provided.

Interschool sport on a Saturday morning is available to our Gawura students in Years 5 and 6. Netball for girls and rugby for boys are currently being played this term. Please see photo of Djani and Anthony from last Saturday’s round of Rugby that was played at Koola Park. There is a training session that occurs during the week for the players to practice their skills and rehearse game plans.

Congratulations to all Gawura students who participated in last Thursday’s annual Cross Country Carnival that was held at Queens Park. Please see some sample photos in this Message Stick.

National Reconciliation Week this year is from Monday 27 May to Monday 3 June. This year’s theme is Now More Than Ever. Our Gawura and Junior Schools will be visited by Ms Gibbs on Monday 27 May to participate in National Reconciliation Week activities. On Friday 31 May our secondary Aboriginal students will be attending the annual Indigenous Veterans Service at the Hyde Park Memorial. We will be laying a wreath on behalf of St Andrew’s Cathedral and Gawura Schools to honour our Indigenous veterans.

Our preparations for NAIDOC are continuing. Our Aboriginal Dance teacher, Aunty Rayma has created a new contemporary dance that will feature at this year’s NAIDOC Assembly. The students have been rehearsing hard and listening to Aunty Rayma when she explains what the meaning is behind the dance moves that they are doing. It will be very special when they perform it. We have also booked an Aboriginal performance for all Gawura School and Junior School students in K-6 to see as part of NAIDOC week as well. Our annual NAIDOC Assembly will be held on Thursday 27 June in the cathedral starting at 9.30am.

May grace and peace be yours in abundance.


Mr John Ralph
Head of Gawura


Key dates

Tuesday 21 May, 6pm
P&F Presents: Technology

Monday - Friday 20-24 May
Anglicare Clothing Drive

Friday 24 May
Kindergarten Day Camp

Friday 24 May
Year 5 Music Concert: Upper Chapter House

Monday 27 May
National Reconciliation Week commences

Tuesday 28 May
Gawura Yarning Session with Parents   (K-12)

Friday 31 May
Sydney Symphony Orchestra:        Building Characters Years 3 - 6

Friday 7 June
Grandparents' Day and Book Fair

To view all upcoming events visit our Calendar of key dates


Important reminders for carers


Use of mobile technology during school

We’re living in an age where mobile technology has become ubiquitous and often deeply tied into how we function and communicate with others. Our students are still learning about this and developing the self-control and maturity required to make sure that technology serves our needs, rather than being subservient to every ping and temptation they offer.

As such, we require that our students stow their phone in their school bag during the day either switched off or set to airplane mode. The same is expected for any smart watches which should be set to school mode (SchoolTime in Apple parlance). This might require some set-up at home and will likely help you and your child manage communication positively.

We would ask that you reinforce this message as parents, so your children have clarity around this. Additionally, if you choose to message your child during the day, please anticipate that they would only receive and respond to the message as they are dismissed at the end of the day.

Any correspondence about change of plans for pickup or other such logistics would best be sent to Junior School Reception and the classroom teacher.

Thank you,

Mr Ryman and Mr Wu.

Mr Tim Ryman                                                         Mr Selwyn Wu
Junior School and Gawura                                 
Deputy Head of Junior School
Coordinator of Logistics and Technology    (Pastoral Care and Technology)



Lost property

We wish to remind you to please label all of your child's belongings.

This includes all items of their uniforms, especially blazers, hats, and even their lunchboxes and drink bottles. Having these items clearly labelled will help us return them to your child if they are misplaced. Thank you for your cooperation and support in helping us keep track of all of your children’s belongings.

Please contact Junior School Reception if an important item goes missing.


Character and Wellbeing


Supporting children following difficult events


The recent school holiday break saw the tragic events at Bondi Junction. The impact of the images and experiences that were shared can be significant for some children and this type of event can also be a reminder of our school tragedy last year. When children experience such difficult events, it can disrupt their sense of safety and normalcy, and can manifest in a range of emotional and behavioural changes which parents may find difficult to navigate. To aid recovery, parents can support their child by creating a nurturing environment, thereby helping them regain a sense of security and encouraging resilience.


  1. Create a safe space - This will allow a child to express their emotions, thoughts and specific concerns as they feel ready.
  2. Be present and available - Sometimes, children simply need someone to be there with them to provide comfort through touch, warmth and physical closeness.
  3. Validate their feelings - Let children know that their feelings of distress are normal and let them express their feelings without judgement.
  4. Be honest and age appropriate - Be guided by their curiosity. Provide truthful information about the incident, using language appropriate for their age and maturity level.
  5. Limit exposure to distressing content - Monitor and limit their exposure to news coverage, especially for younger children.
  6. Address safety concerns - Provide reassurance that they are safe and supported. Highlight the rapid response from authorities and the community wanting to help.
  7. Encourage empathy and compassion - Foster empathy by discussing the impact the distressing event has had on victims, their families, and the community. Encourage acts of kindness, support, and understanding towards those affected.
  8. Teach coping strategies - Encourage your child to use exercise, relaxation, and deep breathing exercises to reduce levels of worry.
  9. Seek professional help - Be vigilant for signs of distress, such as ongoing changes in behaviour or persistent anxiety. If a child’s daily life is significantly disrupted, seek professional support.
  10. SchoolTV has a special report on this important topic. Click the button below to read more...

Click here!


Mrs Bronwyn Wake

Head of Character and Wellbeing (K‑12)
Junior School and Gawura Wellbeing Coordinator and Psychologist/Counsellor


Music News


Junior Choir: Save the Date!

All students in K, 1 and 2 as well as our Junior Choir (Years 3-6) will be participating in our annual Showcase Concert at Sydney Town Hall on 20 June. More information will follow, but please save the date for this wonderful performance.


Congratulations to Hugo Gilmovich (Year 5) who spent a great deal of the recent break involved in musical activities.

Hugo participated in the Orchestra Project at the Conservatorium of Music, and also played in the WestPhil Orchestra. Hugo also went to the Adelaide Bass day and did a masterclass with Phoebe Russell (Principal Double Bass player from the Queensland Symphony) and led the bass ensemble.

Additionally, Hugo recently completed his 7th Grade Double Bass exam, achieving an A+, and has also won the role of Gherardino in Opera Australia’s production of Gianni Schicchi as part of the season of Il Trittico.


Recorder Ensemble

Looking for a musical adventure that's both fun and rewarding? Look no further than the St Andrew's Cathedral School Recorder Ensemble! Every Tuesday, from 3.15pm-4.15pm, our talented ensemble gathers for an hour of musical exploration and joy.

Whether you're a seasoned musician or just starting your musical journey, everyone is invited to join the excitement! The Recorder Ensemble may be your entry point, but the possibilities are endless. If you're learning an instrument at School or elsewhere, you're ready to dive into the magic of ensemble playing with us. You current instrument doesn’t need to be recorder to participate. 

In the Recorder Ensemble, we delve into a diverse repertoire spanning centuries. From enchanting medieval melodies to contemporary compositions, there's something for everyone. Along the way, students refine their music reading skills,explore Baroque improvisation techniques, and experience the joy of making music together as a cohesive group.

Please contact and we will put you in touch with our recorder tutor who can give further information and costings.

Ms Kate Robertson
Head of Music (K-6)


Library news


Book Fair on Grandparents' Day

We are excited to be opening our Book Fair again this year as part of our Grandparents' Day celebrations on Friday 7 June 2024.

The Book Fair will be set up on both Level 6 and Level 7, with a range of books available for purchase on the day. Our Level 6 Fair will have books appropriate for Years 5 and 6 and the Level 7 Fair will have a range of books for students from Kindergarten up to Year 4.

We hope that you will be able to set some time aside on the day to come along and support our Book Fair, but more importantly, to support our students' READING!

Ms Rachael Cosentino
Library Coordinator - Junior School and Gawura


Gifted and Talented news


Emma Clemens' new role leading future Christian Teachers


Mrs Emma Clemens, is one of our Junior School Gifted and Talented Coordinators. She is a passionate educator and leader with expertise in curriculum, gifted education and technology integration. She also works as Children and Youth Minister at Grace City Church. Prior to her role at St Andrew’s Catherdral School, Emma worked as the Deputy Head of Primary at Emanuel School, Innovative Learning Leader at Newington College and Curriculum Coordinator at Covenant Christian School. 

We are delighted to announce that Emma has accepted the role of Director of Teaching Schools Alliance Sydney (TSAS). TSAS embodies a commitment to excellence in education, fostering the formation of expert Christian teachers. Emma will directly influence the development of future Christian educators across a diverse network of exceptional schools in New South Wales and Queensland.

Emma will still be involved with St Andrew’s Cathedral School, she will lead TSAS from the School. Emma hopes to return to her role as one of our Gifted and Talented Coordinators next year. In the meantime, Mrs Rebecca Lord, who is also one of our Coordinators of Gifted and Talented, will now assume a full-time role leading Gifted Education across our Junior School.


Kids’ Lit Quiz

On Tuesday 7 May, selected students in Years 5 and 6 attended the Sydney Heat of the Kids' Lit Quiz at Shore Preparatory School. Within the competition that takes place internationally, teams of four students work collaboratively to answer 100 questions on children’s literature across ten categories, which vary each year. Some of the categories in the Sydney Heat included folktales, graphic novels, characters with glasses and settings with machinery. 

During the event, the students demonstrated outstanding literary knowledge and excellent teamwork. They encouraged each other throughout the challenging rounds whilst humbly celebrating their successes. Out of 15 teams from Years 5 to 8, it was a delight to see our Year 5 team win the folktale round and our Year 6 team win the competition overall. Congratulations to Idelia Cao, Elliot Fok, Winnie Hong, Jonathan Wood (Year 5), Aiden Bhuyan, Lily-Rose Finemore, Isabelle Wood and Hannah Zhang (Year 6) for their commendable achievement in this competition. We look forward to cheering our Year 6 team on at the National Final at the State Library of New South Wales in June!



Below are some reflections from students about the competition:

"I enjoyed the Kids’ Lit Quiz because of the questions. They made us think about the books we have read. I particularly enjoyed the question, “Where did Achilles get shot by an arrow?”. I also liked the question, “Who was the Demon Barber of Fleet Street?” because I was the only one who knew the answer in my team. The Kids’ Lit Quiz was a good experience." Jonathan Wood 5W

"One of my favourite parts of the Kids’ Lit Quiz was the ‘Folktales’ round, a visual round where we had to identify the fairytale based on the picture. A trick question was when the picture portrayed a boy on a beanstalk, killing a giant. We all wrote down ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, but it was actually ‘Jack and the Giant Killer’! Overall, it was a fun and educational experience, and we can’t wait to compete in the second round in June at the NSW State Library!"  Hannah Zhang 6W


Mrs Rebecca Lord
Coordinator of Gifted and Talented Education JSGS


Sports news


Cross Country Carnival

On 16 May we held our annual Junior School and Gawura Cross Country Carnival at Queens Park. There was some superb talent on display along with some great participation amongst all the houses. Despite a close battle for house points, Salisbury house managed to come away with a hard-fought victory on the course. We wish all of our nominated students heading to the ASISSA Cross Country Carnival on 23 May the best of luck as they take their talents to the next level against some quality competition.


Boys and girls Saturday sport

Round 1-2
It has been an unfortunate start to the winter boys and girls Saturday competitions due to the numerous game cancellations as the result of some wild wet weather. The only team that has managed to play were our mighty Year 5/6 hockey girls team in the first weekend, who had a hard fought loss to Santa Sabina. Despite the rain, our teams have been training hard in the lead up to their return to the field, to which we wish our teams the best of luck and thank our parents and coaches for their patience as communication is rolled out. We look forward to seeing our teams hit the field once again in the coming weeks.

Round 3
Our newly formed Under 9 Boys Soccer team demonstrated their prowess on the field, securing a resounding victory against Mosman Prep with a commanding scoreline of 8-0. Their energy, enthusiasm and remarkable teamwork was a sight to behold, showcasing the bright future for football at St Andrew's Cathedral School.
Not to be outdone, our Under 10 Boys Soccer squad showcased their finesse and determination in their match against Redlands, emerging victorious with a flawless score of 3-0.
The girl's hockey was against Abbotsleigh on Saturday. Despite facing formidable opponents, our girls maintained their composure and delivered a stellar performance, clinching a triumphant victory with a final score of 4-2.
The Mixed Rugby 7’s teams showcased their talent, coming off a successful 2023 unbeaten season, the team once again highlighted their skills securing victories with scores of 5-1 against Knox and 3-2 against St. Aloysius. Well done boys and girls!

Oliver Denny
Head of Sport, Junior School


2024 Junior Andrean Awards

This year's Junior Andrean Awards theme is “Light”, inspired by our school crest, Via Crucis, Via Lucis (“the way of the cross is the way of light”).

The Andrean of the Year and Junior Andrean Awards competitions were established to provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their creativity (supporting the School vision of “inspire students to be passionate, creative learners”).

Inspirations for students for this theme could be:

  • Short Story – light vs darkness themes (ie good vs evil), light/shadows motif (eg use of a lighthouse, candlelight, firelight…), light as a metaphor for hope/goodness/innocence/realisation).
  • Art – light and shadow techniques (eg. chiaroscuro, impressionism), sunset/sunrise photography (eg. golden hour, blue hour).
  • Music – light and shade in music (eg volume, intensity).
  • Design – use of light sources, electronic illumination, reflective surfaces, solar power.

Time to start planning your entry! We can’t wait to see your ideas come to life and show all of your creativity.

Judging and prizes
Entries will be judged on creativity, skill, audience engagement and originality in exploring the theme. Entries must be created in 2024 and no group entries are permitted.

  • Winners in Years 3-6 in each category (Writer, Artist, Composer and Designer) will be awarded $100; Runners-up $20.
  • Apprentice Award certificates will be awarded to writers and artists in Kindergarten - Year 2 for Highly Commended, Commended and Participation.

Entries close Monday 21 October 2024.


Mr Brad Swibel
Deputy Head of School (Secondary)


What's on: upcoming events and activities


A great opportunity to be informed on technology at the School

Join the P&F for an interactive and informative evening on technology and how we manage it as a school. The evening will include presentations by expert St Andrew's Cathedral School staff on policy, technical aspects and student welfare across K-12.

Our panelists include Mr Brad Swibel, Deputy Head of School (Secondary School), Mr David Hamaty, Director of Academic Systems, Mrs Jenny Kemp, Deputy Head of Middle School, and Mr Tim Ryman, K-6 Coordinator of Logistics and Technology. There will be a Q&A following the presentations.

Refreshments will be served.

We look forward to you joining us for an interesting evening.

Tuesday 21 May, 6pm
Community Hub, St Andrew's House


RSVP here


The Anglicare clothing drive is coming in Week 4!

The St Andrew’s Cathedral School Junior School and Senior College Community Service Team are thrilled to announce the return of our clothing drive in partnership with Anglicare.

There are many thousands of people in Sydney who find it difficult to balance the costs of food, accommodation, utilities and medical bills. The money made by the sales of the clothes you donate enables Anglicare to provide food parcels, housing assistance, help with utility bills, household items or clothing for those who need them. Your support is crucial in this effort. By donating gently used, still-in-good-condition clothes (excluding undergarments), you can help provide comfort and love to those in need.

Drop your clothes off at the St Andrew's House (SAH) foyer between 7.45-8.30am, 20–24 May, Week 4 this term.

Your generosity matters! Let's come together to bolster Anglicare's mission.

20-24 May, 7.45am-8.30am
SAH Foyer


Join us for Grandparents’ Day!

We are excited to invite grandparents to join us for a special assembly in the Cathedral, followed by morning tea, as we celebrate your role as a grandparent and your importance in our greater school community. For our Junior School and Gawura families (Years K-6), this event will take place on Friday 7 June at 9:15am. 

These events are for grandparents or a special relative, godparent or auntie/uncle. Unfortunately we do not have space to cater for parents at this event.

Friday 7 June, 9:15am
St Andrew's Cathedral

Please RSVP below by Friday 31 May to reserve your place at this special morning.


RSVP here


Do you have another child in Years 7-12? Please click here to see details of the Secondary School Grandparents' Day. 


Volunteers needed for Grandparents' Day

Grandparents' Day is very special and we love to offer our visitors a beautiful morning tea courtesy of the P&F.

Do you have a spare few hours to help?

We need volunteers to help set up the morning tea, serve our visitors and help to clear up afterwards. If you can help, please sign up using the link below:


Sign up to volunteer!