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WiFi Hive Strength Monitor available to order now!

The campaign has launched! People on this list (that's you!) get a chance to order at super low prices before we tell the world tomorrow. The first twenty customers can get one for the price of US$95.

So be quick. But if you miss out, it's not the end of the world, as the next seventy customers can still get one for $142. After that, the price goes up to $172.

There are also a bunch of other great options for pocket money if you just love the idea and want to help. Check out the campaign below.

Can you help us by forwarding this press release to your bee club and local bee media?  It's for public release tomorrow, so you're getting an early peek at it.

Get Your WiFi Hive Strength Monitor

Bee awesome by sharing this with your club!

I missed your earlier emails. What's this about?

We're running a crowdfunding campaign to make our popular Hive Strength Monitor available at affordable prices for hobbyists, pollinators, and researchers. It will use a WiFi connection instead of satellite, keeping your ongoing costs low (or free!)

The device tracks hive humidity, bee count, and in-hive and ambient temperature, and you will be able to use this data freely in whatever way you please. The satellite version is already in commercial use around the world, and produces amazingly useful data.


We'll keep you posted as the campaign progresses. Don't worry, we won't clutter your email inbox so much after this first week.

In the meantime, have fun with the bees!