Editor's note

Mention of the word ‘slavery’ always conjures up images of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, during which millions of Africans were captured and sold into servitude in the Americas. Not much is known about the sale of Africans into Arabian markets. Fred Morton writes about a new book that tells the remarkable story of Ethiopian children who were saved from being sold into slavery in Arabic countries in 1888, their subsequent perilous journey to South Africa, and their subsequent fate.

One of the most aesthetically striking campaigns during South Africa’s election came from the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). Matthias Pauwels argues that the party’s militarised style, which includes wearing red berets and titles with a military flair, is more than a sideshow. It in fact forms a key part of the party’s spectacle-oriented brand of politics.

Thabo Leshilo

Politics + Society Editor

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Oromo children saved from slavery. Supplied by author

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