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NWT Tourism Coronavirus Update #11 - Tourism Marketing Update

Dear valued members,

We recognize that there is a great deal of uncertainty around what our world will look like next month, next week, and even tomorrow. One thing we do know is that we are stronger when we work together to support each other, and our combined efforts will add to the recovery of our industry, when the time is right.  

I would like to take a moment to provide you with an update on what our marketing team is doing to position our spectacular destination for recovery and long-term success as we come through this period of uncertainty. 

Under the skilled leadership of our Marketing Director, Joel Walton, the marketing staff are hard at work. They are modifying tactics and changing messaging. These changes are aimed at keeping our destination in the minds of individuals who are currently interested in future travel.  They are also creating a number of options to implement the 2020/21 marketing plan that will position the Northwest Territories tourism industry for a recovery that is as fast as possible when the pandemic subsides and when the time is right. This is complex work, and uncharted territory for our team, but we are up for the challenge.

We thought you might find it helpful if we shared an article by Forbes: From this and other research we are seeing, we know that it is important to continue marketing our destination, as this will ultimately result in a shorter recovery time when the pandemic subsides. What is also important is that we get our messaging right. 

As of April 1st, 93% of people around the world live in countries with coronavirus travel bans, and this is likely even higher today. Many nations have implemented complete travel bans on foreign nationals and in many cases, their own citizens (as is the case in Canada). NWT Tourism has looked carefully at the messaging that other Destination Marketing Organizations, within Canada and internationally, have used since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared, using this information to refine our messages.

Here are some principals that are guiding the marketing team in all the adaptations we are making, as we move forward.

  • We will continue to market the Northwest Territories - to the right people and using the right messaging
  • We will do no harm, meaning that we will avoid any marketing that contributes to the negative perception of the Northwest Territories as a travel destination, or to our SpectacularNWT brand
  • We will deliver messages that are sensitive to where people are right now, and we will display empathy and kindness to others
  • We will follow the orders of the Chief Public Health Officer in the Northwest Territories, as well as orders made by our Prime Minister
  • We will keep residents, communities and neighbours top of mind, along with potential visitors to the NWT.

Here are some tactical things the marketing team is doing as we adapt our marketing to a COVID-19 world.

  1. We have pivoted away from the tagline: "This Place Will Change You."
    We recognize that people are coping with overwhelming changes in their daily lives right now
  2. We are focusing our marketing on our premium story content as we work to provide people looking for some relief from the daily news with content that is inspiring, interesting, and that keeps the Northwest Territories top of mind as a future travel destination.
  3. We have removed the call to action from any content we are promoting, particularly through social media, for now. 
  4. We are directing a significant proportion of our marketing budget to "Search".
    We know that there are people spending time online searching for their next travel adventure right now and we want them to find the Northwest Territories and begin a new dream to visit us in the future. Search is a safe marketing tactic during times such as these because it only reaches people currently looking for the activities and attractions that they can find in Northwest Territories. 
  5. Any display advertising we do will be placed on websites that are aligned with travel. We have directed our agency to avoid all news sites and other places where our messaging could conceivably show up alongside COVID-19 coverage, coverage of economic hardship, and other stories of this nature.
  6. We are testing our messaging using our organic social media channels to see which messages resonate best and which to avoid. This gives us real-time feedback on our messages and allows us to use successful messaging in paid display ads. These measures will ensure that the Spectacular brand is well represented across our key markets.
  7. We will share video content as much as possible and as widely possible on the appropriate channels. A great example of recent video assets we will share are the videos that were produced through our MOU with the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada. There is an appetite for viewing video content from the comfort and safety of homes right now, and we are happy to have these assets that we can share. 

When the time is right, we will be ready to implement campaigns to select markets based on the best data available. This will include research provided by Destination Canada, our own research with Environics Research that was just completed in March and other research available. We recognize that for recovery several things must be in place. First, travel bans must be lifted. Second, people must feel confident in their ability to travel safely. We are also aware that NWT resident sentiment will play an important part in our recovery.  We will utilize all key market intelligence data to inform our decisions for future campaigns and we will look for new and creative cooperative marketing opportunities for our industry partners.

COVID-19 is unlike anything any of us has seen before. While there is great uncertainty in terms of the timing of the post-COVID-19 recovery, I am impressed with the work the marketing team is doing. The team, led by Joel, has the knowledge, experience, passion and drive to navigate through the challenges that all destination marketing teams have at this time. I want to assure you again, that in addition to advocating for your businesses and for our industry as your Tourism Industry Association, we are also working hard as your Destination Marketing Organization to ensure our marketing now and in the future supports a spectacular recovery, when the time is right.

We are in this together. Stay well, stay strong and stay in touch. Take care of yourself and each other.

Cathie Bolstad
Chief Executive Officer 
Northwest Territories Tourism