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SB 296 to be heard on Tuesday Afternoon

SB-296 By Sen. Brandes is a bill to protect citizens from being charged with a crime and having their guns confiscated for carrying a weapon or firearm during a mandatory evacuation ordered by the Governor during a declared state of emergency.

This bill is is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Military & Veterans Affairs Committee on Tuesday, March 25, 2014, at 2:00pm.  Please take some time and make phone calls asap regarding this bill.  

Read more here

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Save the Dates - April 11 & 12th in Lake City

ONCE AGAIN, ALL ROADS LEAD TO LAKE CITY for TTPN’s 2-day conference April 11th and 12th!  Time for us to be face-to-face and strategize on how we can be most effective in
electing candidates that are true to Tea Party principles. Election Day is less than seven months away and we cannot afford to waste any time!  Fantastic and fun events are being planned. Among them is an Article V Constitutional Convention Forum. Two national speakers have confirmed that they will attend to provide the pros and the cons on this very important subject. [Informational bios on the two speakers will be forthcoming.] 

Mark Levin (syndicated talk-radio host) wrote a book on this subject titled “The Liberty Amendments.”  If you read his book or listen to his show you know how passionate he is about a Constitutional Convention. On the other hand, The John Birch Society opposes it. This forum will provide us with invaluable information and will be an awesome opportunity for us.

The conference will also be an occasion to find out what other groups throughout the state are doing. It will be fun to see all of our patriot friends coming from all over Florida. Our partners will provide updates on current legislation and there will be time for Q&A. This will be an inspiring and up-lifting event. I hope many of you will attend. The conference is FREE!  More information will be coming soon! Save the date! More info call: Sharon Higgins, 386-935-0821
The 2014 Florida Legislative Session is in full gear and things are moving fast! The Tea Party Network (TTPN) is your most reliable resource to keep you informed about important legislation. Their daily newsletter is timely and “to-the- point.”  Join their email list and also follow them on Facebook.  Click here to add your name to their mailing list:   Along with 85 groups throughout the state of Florida, the North Central Florida Tea Party is a member of The Tea Party Network.

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It is time that we give up some pleasures in life and get down in the trenches and fight for what we know is right. It took one woman to take prayer out of the schools because we were silent. It took one woman to help pass a law that has killed millions of innocent babies because we were silent. A few are taking God out of everything because we are silent. Time to speak up folks before it is too late, the day is rapidly coming when because we are silent we will be silenced! Just think about it, and get involved somehow. The North Central Florida Tea Party meets at 7:00 p.m the second Thursday* of each month at the Taylor Building.  *We will not be meeting on the Thursday night in April due to the Tea Party Network Meeting that will be held on April 11th & 12th (see the article just above this one).  Thanks to Sharon G. from the Santa Rosa Tea Party for this encouragement!

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