We Can, We Will, We Must.Hundreds of emails probably pop up when you search for “unprecedented” in your inbox. And sure, the global COVID-19 pandemic was (and continues to be) unprecedented. We haven’t contributed to the corona-coaster noise because we don’t want to join the clutter about these “strange and uncertain times”. The murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers? There are hundreds of years of precedent for that. This incident (and many others) are consequences of the racist and prejudiced systems that marginalize and repress people because of their skin colour. While our newsletter is always a team effort, this seemed like a time when a comment from our partnership team is appropriate:
All of us need to learn more and do more. Not just today or for the next few weeks, but for always. This list will grow, but here is what we are starting with right now: 1. Ongoing monthly donation to the Centre for Race and Culture 2. Ongoing monthly donation to the Grassroots Law Project 3. Ongoing training for our team
4. Required reading and team discussions We’re starting with the first book on the list which we will discuss via Zoom on July 16th. After that first discussion, we will decide on an appropriate and achievable reading and discussion schedule for us to keep up with.
We aren’t stopping at the end of this list, this is just our starting point. 5. Continued
commitment to thoroughly vetting potential clients and partners 6. Amplify more BIPOC voices Historically, we’ve taken social media a bit slower during the summer months because there are usually less of us around as we all meander in and out of the office for vacations. There’s often less content to share as well, but this summer (and from now on) we aim to deliver content that helps make change in the world in addition to helping you make positive changes to your digital marketing. ![]() LearnIn addition to delivering a very powerful statement this week, Ben & Jerry's has been working on important content for years. Here is a post titled 7 Ways We Know Systemic Racism is Real from 2016. White leaders: here’s what you should do now. Become a better ally by reading the titles on this great list of anti-racist literature. Listen to ‘1619,’ a Podcast on how slavery has transformed America, connecting past and present through the oldest form of storytelling. On the local front, Bashir Mohamed has created an Edmonton-specific Anti-Black Racism Tool Kit for Edmontonians to better understand systemic Anti-Black racism and policing issues. At 3:45pm EST this Saturday, Anjuan Simmons will be giving a free talk on lending privilege to underrepresented groups in tech. ![]() SupportIn the words of Linda Hoang; “if you are able to donate, your donation does not need to be a big amount to make a difference. It's about doing what you can—and that might look a bit different for everyone, but the point is, at least you should try.” Help keep Black historical sites and museums alive, so that they can continue educating and sharing their stories. Elevate Black businesses whenever (and wherever) you can. ![]() |