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  More Trees: More Action    

Dear Recipient

Welcome to the Forest of Avon Trust's news update: April 2014. 


The results of the North Somerset iTree survey have just become available. These demonstrate that North Somerset's trees remove an average of £1.7 million worth of harmful pollutants from the atmosphere each year: a compelling financial case for continued investment in existing trees and planting new ones.


The National Community Forest Programme (including us) and national partners have also just produced a great resource on Planning and Forestry. This has a range of resources to support Planners, Landscape Architects, Foresters and developers wanting to plan for and create new woodlands: (Well worth a look and if interested, we can help locally.)


We are currently recruiting additional Trust Directors to help the charity grow its work further. If you are interested, then please click the link here: It would be great to hear from you. We are also recruiting Advisors, for details, please click here.  


Please read on to find out more about some of our recent work.


Jon Clark, Executive Director, 10th April 2014.

Woodland Works

Two groups of adults with learning difficulties have been visiting The Retreat community woodland over the last year to learn new skills and help us manage the site. In late March, people from Choices4U helped clear dozens of tree guards and create a small area of hazel coppice. Participants from The Milestone Trust’s Stepping Forward group have also been hard at work in the woods, creating a dead hedge and pond dipping amongst other things.

The Woodland Works project was funded by South Gloucestershire Learning Difficulties Development Board and The Baily Thomas Charitable Trust and has been running since last summer. Participants have learned about fire lighting, shelter building, safe use of tools and wildlife identification (in all kinds of weather!) A support worker from Milestone Trust said: “The Retreat experience gave the service users valuable outdoor experiences. Learning about safety outdoors and using tools and fire. They learned to work together as a team and did independent projects. Outdoor confidence grew as they learned to make things from nature… All ask to go back to experience more.” 

It hasn’t all been hard work though! The groups have also had fun making bows and arrows, building shelters, making music and creating woodland art. The Retreat also provides a therapeutic environment to spend time sitting quietly, listening and watching, a chance to feel connected to nature.

If you are interested in finding out more about Woodland Works and/ or running similar projects, please contact:

Woodland Management & Improvement

The Trust has completed a draft management plan for Beechen Cliff (and Lyncombe Hill Farm) in Bath. This is just one in a series of management plans being produced for public and private woodland owners in the area, which in turn are leading to successful grant applications to improve local woodlands.

This management planning work is really important to the area, as it is safeguarding the long- term contribution of older woodlands and those planted as part of the Forest of Avon Community Forest, to the landscape, biodiversity, accessibility and economy of the area. In addition, the iTree North Somerset survey demonstrates the critical role that local trees and woodlands play in providing pollution management services to the Avon area.     

To find out more about how the charity can help you with woodland management planning and/ or iTree surveys, please email: jonclark@forest

Natural Connections

Supported by new Admin & Support Officer: Helen Humphries, we have now recruited six Beacon Schools to the (national) Natural Connections project. We will work with each of them to provide support, training and investment to enable these schools to become Learning in the Natural Environment (LINE) specialists. Each will in turn support up to seven schools new to LINE, to improve their offer of learning outside the classroom.

For more information on the Trust's role as part of Natural Connections, please email:

How can you support us?

The Forest of Avon Trust is based in Bristol and works across the city and 30 miles beyond. As a charity we are entirely dependent on donations, grants and fees to support our work. 


You can support us by suggesting projects, donating services and/ or through one of our schemes here . (We are extremely grateful to Dr. Malcolm Rigler for his recent donation of a VW Golf and trailer.)

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