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Concerned Veterans On Tuesday, June 16th

We will be phone banking for Concerned Veterans for America at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16th at the Columbia County downtown library.  Chick F'la will be served at 5:30. 

CVA  let Ed know that they will have representatives at our phone banking to meet with us so we would like to have a good group that evening. .  We will be calling Congressional offices on Tuesday with a message for them.

CVA advertises in our section of the American Patriot News each edition; this really helps with our printing costs.

One of their biggest projects is the VA Accountability Project.  For more information go to:   http://vaaccountability.org/

If you can help with this, please call Ed at 386-288-1688.  Chick Fi 'a will be served at 5:30.

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Trade Agreements Being Debated in Congress

"Free Trade" is still being debated in the U.S. Congress.  I am going to include a couple of articles.  We need to call congress and let them know what we think about what they are debating.  Some questions to ask yourself:

If "free trade" is so good for Americans, why have we lost so many manufacturing jobs?  https://www.creditwritedowns.com/2012/05/chart-of-the-day-us-manufacturing-unemployment-1960-2012.html

If we are still making things in this country, why is it so hard to find "made in the USA" in our stores?

Representative Yoho put out a newsletter discussing this issue.  You can read it here:  https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/view_newsletter.aspx?id=101019&c=FL03TY

Are we competing in a "fair environment"?  What kind of conditions are subjected to in some of the countries we have "free trade" with?

Please take a few moments to read these articles and act on them!


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Gun Raffle in Final Weeks

We are in the last few weeks of our big fund raiser for the year.  We are doing well with sales but could use a strong push in the next few weeks!

We use this money to help support the expenses of the tea party for the year.  We print 1,600 copies of the American Patriot News every two weeks, we purchase constitutions for the 7th grade civics classes in both Suwannee and Columbia counties each year.  Plus all the day-to-day expenses that our group incurs.

If you can purchase some tickets or pick up some to sell, please call John (386) 935-1705 or Sharon (386) 935-0821

We will have a booth at the Branford River Reunion on July 4th.  We will have the drawing for the gun that evening.  If you can help with the booth that day, even for an hour, please let Sharon know.

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Patriot Act/Freedom Act...too good to be true?

Judge Andrew Napolitano:

Last week, Republicans and Democrats in Congress joined President Barack Obama in congratulating themselves for taming the National Security Agency’s voracious appetite for spying. By permitting one section of the Patriot Act to expire and by replacing it with the USA Freedom Act, the federal government is taking credit for taming beasts of its own creation.

In reality, nothing substantial has changed.

Under the Patriot Act, the NSA had access to and possessed digital versions of the content of all telephone conversations, emails and text messages sent between and among all people in America since 2009. Under the USA Freedom Act, it has the same. The USA Freedom Act changes slightly the mechanisms for acquiring this bulk data, but it does not change the amount or nature of the data the NSA acquires.  Read more here: http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/2015/06/12/lies-the-government-is-telling-you/


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