November 2019
This issue of Brotherhood Update announces research on older aged care workers, and a new wave of data in our social exclusion monitor.
Policy submissions about the inadequacy of Newstart Allowance, access to preschool and Australia's emissions reduction target are featured.
The latest Brotherhood Talks podcast focuses on the Productivity Commission; and a series of papers outlines the complexity of Austalia's vocational education and training sytem.
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RESEARCH Improving the health of older aged care workers
Our qualitative study of older 'pink collar' workers in aged care points to the need for policy and practice changes to ensure Australia has enough skilled workers to provide quality care, and to support the physical and emotional health of those workers.
Read the report by Aaron Hart, Dina Bowman and Shelley Mallett, Improving the health of older aged care workers (PDF, 437 KB)
This is one part of a larger Australian Research Council Linkage Project, Working well, working wisely, about older workers and their workplaces.
RESEARCH: New data on social exclusion
Poverty has many dimensions, not only linked to income. The Social exclusion monitor developed by the Brotherhood with the Melbourne Institute is a composite measure to reflect multiple kinds of disadvantage.
Recently updated with Wave 17 data from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey, it shows which groups of Australians are most likely to be excluded, and trends over the decade since 2008.
See the latest results of Who experiences social exclusion
PODCAST The Productivity Commission and policy reform
The Productivity Commission is a source of policy advice and research for Australian Governments, conducting public inquiries into areas requiring reform. This function is increasingly important in an era of outsourcing policy advice to commercial consultants.
Peter Harris served as Commission chair for five years to 2018. In this Brotherhood Talks podcast, he says it is a measure of the Commission’s value that many countries are keen to copy it. He talks with Alison McClelland, a former commissioner, and a life member of the Brotherhood of St Laurence.
Access the podcast.
POLICY Children getting a good start
More could be done to improve access to quality preschool education for children experiencing disadvantage and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
The Brotherhood argues for investment in outreach, building cultural safety and strengthening parents’ capacity, among other measures to ensure all children have a great start in life.
Read more in our Submission to the review of the national partnership for universal access to preschool (PDF, 187 KB)
POLICY Meeting Australia’s commitment to the Paris Agreement [on climate change]
To address climate change credibly and honour its Paris commitment, Australia should increase its emissions reduction target and implement policies to achieve it. The Brotherhood supports a target and policy consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5 °C.
Read more in our Submission to the Climate Change Authority re meeting Paris Agreement (PDF, 202 KB)
RADIO Talking about poverty in Melbourne
In Anti-Poverty Week, the Brotherhood's Dina Bowman joined a panel on ABC Radio Melbourne’s Conversation Hour discussing the job market and the level of poverty in Melbourne and Victoria.
Access this program on the ABC website.