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Nashville Flood: Situation Report #2...Urgent Need

April 1, 2021:  Since Sunday, Hope Force international has been on the ground assessing and responding to the flooding here in the South Nashville area. We are currently mobilizing teams in one particular neighborhood, with the expectation of shifting our focus to another heavily hit area on the other side of 7 Mile Creek by tomorrow.  What we are finding is that numerous residents had no experience with the 2010 flood, with many having moved into the area recently. Acting as a stop gap, Hope Force is providing much needed and appreciated information concerning the dance involved with insurance adjusters -- all the while educating residents on what needs to be removed regarding their belongings.

We are full throttle on muck outs, ensuring that flooring, walls, etc are properly removed so that the moisture of the home itself returns to normal levels.  Meeting with one resident, she shared that she was quoted $60,000 to handle the work Hope Force International provides for free. When hearing we would serve her in this capacity, she was overwhelmed with emotion.  Her neighbor up the road told us, “Your knowledge and advice in how I can begin the recovery process is so valuable. I never would have known where to start.”  An older woman without insurance said to one of our chaplains, “I have no words, but I just need to hug you!”

The race against black mold is on, which is why we have recently sounded the alarm for Hope Force Reservists to deploy, as well as able-bodied volunteers.  Residents here are doing all they can to get their ruined belongings to the curb.  It is our "terrible privilege" to come alongside them with emotional and spiritual care, as well as the practical remediation of their homes.

At this point in the deployment, we are not only asking for Hope Force Reservists to respond, but those who are willing to roll up their sleeves and join us in these efforts.

Your prayers, participation and financial support are very much needed as we seek to do the best we can for as many as we can.