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CIF Bulletin: New Opportunities for 2013

The CIF recently released its 2013 Operations Plan with information about progress in Ontario recycling over the past several years, and details about new funding opportunities for 2013.

REOI for 2013 Project Funding Coming Soon

With nearly $12 million in funding to support projects that address key priorities outlined in the 2013 Operations Plan, the CIF will soon release a Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) as a means to apply to the CIF. The REOI provides a simple mechanism for municipalities to bring best ideas to the table to address key issues of importance in blue box recycling in Ontario.

Already more than a dozen municipalities and contractors have expressed interest in responding to the REOI, with innovative and insightful suggestions as to how to address 2013 priorities for continuous improvement in recycling.

Start Your Planning Early; Contact CIF Staff Members for Assistance

We encourage all municipalities to review the 2013 Operations Plan and begin your project planning for 2013. CIF staff invite your questions, comments and suggestions. We are available to provide assistance, especially in the early stages, as you consider how your project priorities can contribute to continuous improvement for Ontario's recycling system.

Locating the REOI

The REOI will be posted on the CIF website in the "News and Views" section under the heading of Procurement. We will email all stakeholders immediately when it is available.

For more information, please contact Alec Scott by phone: (705) 722-0225 or email before the April 30 inquiry deadline.

Have You Checked Out the New WDO Website?

Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) has launched an all-new website with updated branding, a wealth of new information and a fresh approach to communicating with key stakeholders. If you have not had a chance to check it out, we recommend that you take a look when you can:

On the WDO Site

Key information for municipalities is found in the Programs section (see Blue Box or other) and Partners section (see Municipalities) with specific pages that include: 

CIF Bookmarks

As a project partner, the CIF website is linked with that of the WDO. While most of your CIF bookmarks remain the same, we suggest that you update your primary links to the CIF site to: (note - this is without a "www" prefix).

Some of your bookmarks to project reports may have changed. If so, we recommend that you click through to the CIF "Projects" page ( and use the 'search tips' at the top right of that page to find your favourite project reports. You can refresh your bookmarks using the new link.


We would be pleased to help you with any questions or concerns. Please email