Editor's note

Recent events in South Sudan have raised hopes that a peace agreement signed in 2015 might actually take hold. The return from exile of opposition leader Riek Machar could end a conflict that’s displaced millions of people, caused widespread hunger and gutted the economy, writes Peter Run. The bad news is that the threat of renewed conflict is never too far off, warns Luka Kuol.

More than 100 young volcanoes dot the landscape of the East African Rift. A quarter of them have erupted in the last century. Karen Fontijn and Gezahegn Yirgu explain why examining past eruptions is so vital - both to keep people and property safe, and to see how these geothermal areas could bring economic opportunities.

Julius Maina

Regional Editor East Africa

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South Sudan’s Riek Machar after peace talks with South Sudan President Salva Kiir in July 2018. EPA-EFE/Stringer

Machar’s return signals a significant stage in South Sudan’s peace process

Peter Run, The University of Queensland

The return of South Sudan's opposition leader is likely to solidify the permanent ceasefire.

South Sudan can be stabilised, but great effort is needed from numerous players. Shutterstock

South Sudan faces collapse if peace pact fails again. This can be averted

Luka Kuol, Africa Center for Strategic Studies

South Sudan faces numerous and serious challenges contributing to instability. But there are potential solutions.

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