Editor's note

World Antibiotics Awareness Week invites us all to celebrate the contribution these medicines have made to public health. It’s also a reminder of the threat they face from bacterial resistance. Marc Mendelson explains why there’s such urgency around the need to educate people about what’s best practice when it comes to taking antibiotics. And what every individual can do about protecting the future efficacy of the drugs.

To acknowledge the role played by philosophers, Vasti Roodt provides a philosopher’s perspective on South Africa’s quest for unity. And to mark World Philosophy Day we’ve also gathered some essential reading for anyone interested.

Ina Skosana

Health + Medicine Editor

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The world needs ‘antibiotic guardians’ to safeguard their future use

Marc Mendelson, University of Cape Town

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South Africans celebrate the Springboks winning the 2019 Rugby Woirld Cup. EFE-EPA

Quest for unity in South Africa: a philosophical perspective

Vasti Roodt, Stellenbosch University

Unity for the wrong reasons reduces social cooperation to whatever happens to benefit a particular person or group, making it a zero-sum game.

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En français

Féminicides et violences conjugales : une dérogation au secret médical s’impose

Emmanuel Hirsch, Université Paris-Saclay

Que doit faire un soignant qui soupçonne des violences conjugales, voire craint un féminicide ? Peut-il faire fi du secret médical, au risque de rompre la confiance et d’engager sa responsabilité ?

Les Français face à leurs territoires : résultats d’une enquête inédite

Claude Grasland, Université Paris Diderot; Clarisse Didelon Loiseau, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Premiers résultats d’une enquête inédite concernant l’attitude des Français face aux territoires dans lesquels s’élaborent les politiques publiques.


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