You may have noticed the recent addition of "Essex" to our name. BFWE now proudly represents cyclists from the entire Windsor-Essex region, and we have modified our mandate to reflect that. Our logo has also made the transition! We are currently recruiting board representatives from the county to contribute to our newly extended mandate.
The past year has been filled with progress and growth for Bike Friendly Windsor, which is now Bike Friendly Windsor Essex (BFWE). This name change is a key highlight of the past year which reflects our commitment to cycling related infrastructure, education and networking within the city of Windsor as is an integral part of a cycling friendly reigion as a whole.
The past year has brought a number of new faces to BFWE as we have worked to grow our organization. In 2011-2012, our Facebook group and paid membership roster has grown, stretching out into Essex County, and even across Canada. With this we have formalized our mandate and operational bylaws. Our membership was also formalized, as well as our rewards and discount program for supporting members.
In May we hosted our second Ride of Silence, drawing over 100 cyclists to the memorial ride honouring those who have died or been injured while riding. Volunteers from BFWE also contributed to many cycling oriented efforts throughout the city, including Bike to Fireworks and the City of Windsor capital budget debates.
As we move forward, our orginization will be focused on advocating for and participating in many important infrastucture and education projects throughout the city and county, including the Windsor Bicycle Use Master Plan, the Windsor Vista Project, and the ERCA Greenway.
Please join us as we maintain our growth and forward momentum over the next year.
BFWE will host its Annual General Meeting sponsored by Blak Lite Karbon on September 24 at the Walkverville Brewery from 6 pm until 8 pm.
All are welcome. Come by, have a drink and tell us what you want us to focus on this year. This is also an opportunity meet other cyclists, get involved or to join the board.
The Walkerville Brewery is located at 525 Argyle, Windsor, Ontario N8Y 4Z8.
You can register for our AGM by click here: http://bfwe.eventbrite.com
The board of directors currently consists of seven dedicated members of the Windsor cycling community. Each of them bring their own strengths to the table, and represent the various types of cyclists in the area, from racers to commuters.
Outgoing President, Steve Konkle |
Steve was a founding member of Bike Friendly Windsor Essex. He grew up riding the dirt trails outside of Victoria, British Columbia but has since switched to skinnier tires. His favourite ride in the Windsor area is along the river and then out to Malden Park. |
Interim President, Robert Rieveley |
Active with BFWE since 2011 as Vice Chair and Interim President, you will typically find Rob commuting throughout the city or county on his road bikes, year round. He has a special passion for night rides. |
Secretary, Kari Gignac |
Kari has been involved with Bike Friendly Windsor Essex since its inception in January 2010. She is a commuter cyclist, who also sits on the Windsor Bicycling Committee. |
Board member, Pak Ho |
Pak has been an active cyclist for the past 15 years and a competitive Road and MTB cyclist for past 7 years. He is the cycling organizer of the Essex County Time Trial Series & Country Cross Cyclo-Cross Races. Pak also sits on the board of the Ciociaro Cycling Club. |
Board member, Troy Whittle |
Bio was unavailable at time of issue. |
Board Member, Lisa Moore |
Lisa is typically a year-round commuter, however an injury has kept her off her bike recently. She is a single mom who studies business at St. Clair College. |
Board Member, Laura Tucker |
Laura is an engaged and passionate Windsorite and has been involved with Bike Friendly Windsor Essex since 2010. She's an avid road cyclist, who also rides recreationally on her single-speed throughout the city. She sits on the board of the Ciociaro Cycling Club and she funds her cycling habit by working part time at Ambassador Bicycles. |
Board Member, Catherine Linner |
Bio was unavailable at time of issue. |
Board member, Jessica Allen |
Jessica Allen spent a year car-free in Windsor, traveling mostly by bike, and was a founding member of Bike Friendly Windsor Essex. She prefers to ride on multi-use trails and streets with bike lanes, and believes that Windsor needs to further develop its bicycle infrastructure. Jessica recenty stepped down from the board to pursue a career in Ottawa. |
For the past decade, there have been slow, silent memorial rides taking place on the third Wednesday of May around the world. The Ride of Silence movement first began in White Rock Lake in Dallas, Texas, after endurance cyclist Larry Schwartz was hit and killed by the mirror of a school bus in 2003. The mission statement of the event is three-fold; the Ride of Silence honours those who have been hurt or killed while riding, it aims to raise awareness that cyclists are traffic and belong on the street, and it asks that we all share the road.
On May 16th, 2012, Bike Friendly Windsor Essex hosted our second annual Ride of Silence, starting from the Downtown Mission and touring through the city at a somber pace of 20 km per hour. The ride travelled along Tecumseh Road (one of the most treacherous routes for cyclists in Windsor), as well as residential neighbourhoods, marked cycling routes and Riverside Drive, providing visibility to the general public. The large group of cyclists was graciously escorted by the Windsor Police, and a symbolic funeral hearse donated by Anderson and Walter D. Kelly Funeral Homes. Riders wore black arm bands if they personally had been injured while riding their bike, or a red arm band if they knew someone who had been killed or injured while cycling. The message was clear, bikes belong on the road, and the road is meant to be shared safely by all users.
"As always, it was amazing to ride in such a large group of cyclists. Taking over the road filled me with pride and a sense of belonging I don’t normally feel while riding on Windsor’s streets. As we passed through intersections with police blocking traffic, motorists waited patiently for us to go by. It seemed the purpose of the event was sinking in and the critical mass of bikes was accepted and respected," said Kari Gignac, BFWE Secretary.
Please mark your calendars, as the 2013 Ride of Silence will officially mark ten years since Larry Schwartz was tragically killed in Texas. Seven years will have passed by since OPP Sergeant Greg Stobbart was killed while training on his bike in Milton (inspiring his wife, cycling advocate Eleanor MacMahon, to create Ontario's Share the Road Coalition). It will have been two and a half years since 15-year old Kyle Peters died from a hit and run while riding his bike in Leamington. There are countless stories that are similar in solemnity, and we will ride for them all again on May 15, 2013.
Bicycle Friendly Windsor would like to highlight the efforts of Dr. Dan Cass, Deputy Chief Coroner and the Office of the Chief Coroner for conducting and publishing the indepth report of cycling deaths in Ontario. In the report all Ontarians are encouraged to take personal responsibility for their own safety and for the safety of all road users. Many recommendations are made within a 'Complete Streets' approach. The recommendations call for equal and safe access to roads for everyone, achieved through more separated and non-separated bike lanes and paths, as well as reduced speed limits.
Bike Friendly Windsor Essex is committed to working with elected officials, the City of Windsor, County of Essex, and the Province of Ontario, in implementing the recommendations and making Windsor-Essex one of the safest cycling regions in the country.
The Bicycle Use Master Plan (BUMP, 2001) details guidelines and recommendations for cycling and cycling related infrastructure to encourage more people in the City of Windsor to use their bicycles. This document was developed to be a 20 year guide for Windsor City Council to help make the City one of the premier cycling communities in North America, and a destination for those interested in cycling tourism. BUMP was adopted by council in 2001.
The BUMP calls for $1,000,000 per year in funding for on-street and off-street cycling infrastructure projects and programs each year, with a total expected budget of $25.6 million over 20 years. To date, this funding for implementing the BUMP recommendations has been short of target with an average of $250,000 per year from 2005-2011, the current five year budget projecting $400,000 in 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2016, with $0 allocated for 2014. Bike Friendly Windsor Essex is committed to help improve upon this record.
BUMP was not intended to be a static document and was expected to evolve through community consultation. The BUMP is tentatively scheduled for an update on the Transportation Planning Environmental Study Reports budget in 2016. Become part of the dialog, DIG INTO BUMP HERE.
You may be noticing that the day light hours are getting shorter and the temperatures a little cooler. Naturally you will change your clothing accordingly, but you should also be considering your visability to other road and trail users. Cyclists should have proper lights and reflective gear on their bicycles and clothing to ensure they are not invisible on the road.
Remember a bicycle is a vehicle under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act (HTA) and must have a white front light and a red rear light or reflector if you ride between 1/2 hour before sunset and 1/2 hour after sunrise and white reflective tape on the front fork and red reflective tape on rear fork. Failure to have these items could cost you a $20.00 fine or worse.
Visit your local bike shop to find out the latest and greatest in lighting technology. There are a few shops in town that will give discounts to BFWE members. If you are not a member, consider joining!
E-bikes and power assisted bicycles (depending on your definition) may be banned from bike lanes and multi-use trails within the City of Windsor. The Environment & Transportation Standing Committee Report No. 68, outlining regulations regarding power assisted bicycles was brought before Windsor City Council. The discussion was long and contentious with various delegations engaged in the discussions. In the end the following bylaw ammendments were carried by Council;
25 (3) No person shall operate a Power Assisted Bicycle (e-bike) on a shared pathway (multi-use trail, trail) unless such a multi-use trail has been specifically designated by Council to allow for such activity with a set speed limit of 10 km per hour, and further, that Administration report back to Council on appropriate trails to be considered for such activity. Also that Windsor Police Services be advised of these by law amendments for enforcement as resources allow.
We at Bike Friendly Windsor Essex were present for, and interested in the discussions, however, e-bikes currently fall outside of our current mandate. As a marginalized group of road users, should we extend our mandate and membership to include e-bikers? We are interested in hearing from our general membership and look forward to this talking point at our Annual General Meeting.
Q: Are there plans to put bike lanes on the new international bridge between Windsor and Detroit?
A: How great would it be to cycle to a Tigers game, or ride over for the annual Tour De Troit instead of packing up the car? This may soon be possible, and not just once a year during the Bike the Bridge event!
Drawings for the new bridge have been submitted for an environmental assessment in the U.S., and a separated lane for pedestrian traffic is included.
What's even more exciting is the potential for a passenger ferry service between Windsor and the new Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority (just west of the tunnel). Funding has been approved for the port to purchase a small vessel (with a capacity of less than 100), which could be launched into service for the spring of 2013. Many obstacles still remain, though.