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Organise a get-together to help Altrui and we’ll give you £50 as a ‘Thank You’

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We so appreciate your support in assisting Altrui to help couples find an egg donor and ‘help’ can take different forms. It’s really important to us to get the message out there that so many couples rely solely on a donor to make their dreams of a family come true. Of course not everyone can be a donor, but maybe you could support us in other ways.

Given that you’re an amazing person who empathises with couples struggling to conceive, we thought that maybe you know others who could feel the same. It might be fun if you’d like to host either a coffee morning or a wine evening for a group of your friends, and Cathy from Altrui could come along and talk about her experience as an egg donor and see whether anyone in the group might also consider supporting us like you are.

Maybe you’re already involved with a ladies' get-together – like mums meeting up, book club, social get-together, kids club etc – if that’s the case, we’d love to talk to them and get them thinking about egg donation. Could you get 8 or more friends together, who are aged between 18 and 35? Obviously we’d like them to know why Cathy would be there and we’d give you a leaflet to give them first.

We’ll even supply the vino, tea, coffee or the choccy biscuits for dunking! And to thank you for going to the effort of organising such a get-together, we’d like you to accept £50 from us in appreciation.

If this is an idea you’d like to get involved with and hear more about, please contact us at info@altrui.co.uk , and we’ll talk to you about how together we can make it happen.

Looking forward to hearing from you and thanks for your continued support.


Altrui hits the road to raise awareness

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Altrui has been out and about on the road, raising awareness at big events and getting women thinking and talking about egg donation:

Mother & Baby Event at ExCeL, London

It’s fair to say that we’ve never seen so many bumps and babies in one huge space as we did at this event! Everyone seemed either to be pregnant or have a newborn baby; it was quite amazing! We met lots of lovely couples, some of whom themselves had special babies through IVF and we also met a lot of women wanting to help couples to realise their dreams of a family. It was a really special event, thanks so much to those of you who stopped by and showed your support.

Altrui makes a BIG impact at the Vitality Show, Earls Court

We may have been nestled between the Yogi tea and the healing crystals stand, but that didn’t prevent so many of you stopping by at Altrui to ask questions and request information packs to read more about egg donation. We were completely overwhelmed by how many of you approached us with a clear desire to help others; it really was wonderful and humbling. We hope by now the information you requested on the day has landed on your doormat or hit your inbox and that you’re still thinking of giving this amazing gift. If it hasn't reached you, click here and I'll resend it, info@altrui.co.uk

We were also excited to have a quick chat with Professor Robert Winston who commented what amazing people altruistic donors are and how good it is that  Altrui is out there finding people who can help. It’s great to get the thumbs up from someone so prominent in the world of IVF.


Men are from Mars…… or are they?

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Finally the penny has dropped that egg donation is really, really a woman’s ‘thing’ and some men just don’t seem to get it.

We have stumbled on all sorts of blockages to finding egg donors, and on the whole it isn’t women but MEN who find it difficult. Many of them don’t feel able even to talk about this. Any thought’s anyone??? Maybe it’s the age old, 'why won’t they talk?' or is it something else?

Do any of you, who have gone through (or are going through) donation with a supportive partner, have an insightful man who can shed light on why some of their fellow men might not want their partners to do it? We'd really love your/his help with understanding this, please drop us a line at info@altrui.co.uk


In the News: HFEA

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The Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority, who regulate fertility treatment in the UK, have closed their doors to the public's thoughts and feelings on the ‘Changing Landscape of Donation’ in the UK because their public consultation over the last few months, aimed at exploring the current situation and improving donor numbers, has now come to a close.

Here at Altrui, we’ll be really interested to see the results from the consultation with regards to how changes in the laws on expenses, loss of earnings and possible compensation will affect our donors.

What do you think?


Show your support on Facebook

One of the biggest challenges Altrui faces is getting the word out there that so many couples need the help of amazing donors to have the hope of a family.

A brilliant way you can help us spread the message and let friends and family know that this is a cause you're rooting for, is if you follow us on Facebook. Please follow this link to Altrui Facebook and 'Like' us and/or talk about us on Facebook. We'd so appreciate your support and we'll keep our page updated with latest news and information.

Of course, if you could spread the word amongst your friends as well, that would be great.

