Editor's note

There are many reasons to be appalled by this year’s Amazon fires, but depleting Earth’s oxygen supply is not one of them. The oft-repeated claim that the Amazon rainforest produces 20% of our planet’s oxygen is based on a misunderstanding. In fact nearly all of Earth’s breathable oxygen originated in the oceans, and there is enough of it to last for millions of years. Scott Denning explains.

For decades debates over the ivory trade have dominated the global conference on the trade in endangered species and wild fauna and flora conference (CITES). This reflects huge tension between those against hunting and the trade in ivory and countries with large elephant populations that are in favour. As Duan Biggs and Matthew Holden warn, the subject has led to a host of other equally important issues being pushed off the agenda. They set out ways in which the deadlock can be broken.

Caroline Southey


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Fire consumes an area near Jaci Parana, state of Rondonia, Brazil, Aug. 24, 2019. AP Photo/Eraldo Peres

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African elephant. PhotocechCZ/Shutterstock

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