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Dear subscriber,

This is the first "Special Edition Newsletter" introducing: The Mind Body Soul Life Plan Summit.

As I sit down to write this, it occurs to me how we begin each new year with "resolutions", fueled with the momentum of good intentions to exercise, eat right, meditate - or whatever it is you wish to change. We then charge into the year intending to "do it" and it lasts for a few days or sometimes weeks before we lose our focus and need renewed motivation. By Springtime we start over with projects like spring cleaning, re-organizing, and de-cluttering. This is good, but there is still something missing! 

That missing element is a Life Plan: an approach that enables you to realize what is truly important, how to clear your mind, shift your perspective and prepare yourself to discover and embody your lifes purpose!

As the Food Alchemist my contribution to the Summit is to provide a nourishing experience combined with knowledge that will empower you to attain balance and maintain a healthy body to host your beautiful mind and soul.   

If you are ready to let go of false information and expand your awareness, if you are health oriented and are ready to take it to the next level -  and most importantly, if you want to learn or confirm what your purpose is in this lifetime...

Then the Mind Body Soul Life Plan Summit is for you! It is the next step in your healing process, it is a sharing of knowledge and experience that is transformative as presented by Dr. Mihoko Nelsen, Christina Avaness and Nadia Khalil. Our intention is that you may open your heart, prepare your body, and discover your unlimited potential.

I am honored that Nadia Khalil invited me to collaborate with her and am looking forward with great love and enthusiasm to present alongside my dear friends Dr. Mihoko Nelsen and Nadia Khalil at the Summit!

You are invited...

Christina Avaness

Your Food Alchemist


A note from Mihoko M. Nelsen, MD


I graduated from USC School of Medicine in 1977 - exactly 40 years ago...

Since then I have been in practice as a neurologist for over 30 years. During that time I have gathered a body of knowledge and wisdom, deepened my understanding of the brain and mind.

Neurology is not psychiatry or psychology. I specialize in diseases of the nervous system - migraine headaches, seizures, MS, memory difficulties, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, spinal cord disease, peripheral nerves, muscle diseases, etc...

Furthermore, in order for the brain to function well, every other part of the body has to be in tip top shape. So I began to study the other organ systems with an emphasis on vascular system - hypertension, digestive system - acid reflux and IBS and endocrine system - thyroid and diabetes. I also dealt with fibromyalgia, arthritis and osteoperosis. During this process I discovered that inflammation is at the root of most of the ailments. I realized that it is not the drug, rather what we eat and what we do that changes the course of illness. This discovery led me to Christina, the Food Alchemist and I too began to study foods as healing agents.

As I increased my awareness, I realized the need to shift our perspective on disease and medication. When Nadia invited me to present on Mind at the Summit. I recognized that this was the perfect opporunity to share what I have learned and know from experience.

It is my hope that the participants can distill information to knowledge and then ultimately be able to transform this knowledge into healing wisdom for the rest of their lives!

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About Nadia Khalil


My vision, my dream, is to build a community that offers support and information that you can use in your life today! Life has its obstacles, yet how we deal with those obstacles, how we approach our lives, how we live our lives, makes all the difference.

I created 3 days to spend with you!

In that time we will eat, drink and think in the most effecient ways possible. You will each receive a bound book. The story of your life will start to fill in and make sense enough to connect your thinking, your dreams, your obstacles and your soul as a working team that becomes the force that you came here to be. Our thinking effects us, our food effects us and integrating our souls effects us. When one is not working - it effects all three. 

The Mind, Body and Soul Summit is putting into practice our knowledge and our faith and our desire and giving it a home to be One. 

Looking forward to meeting you at the Summit!


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Mind, Body and Soul Summit


Is for those seeking greater understanding and awareness of:

  • the relationship between Brain and Mind function
  • healthy body as the vessel for mind and soul
  • self-love and living within your purpose

Know that your life is the greatest gift you have ever received and it is about to get better!

The Summit is the next destination on your journey...

To learn more and make your reservation please click on the link:

Please direct questions via email to Nadia Khalil at:

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