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Club Night - Wednesday 13th March 2013

9 members were present.

Apologies were received from Rupert, Neil & Shaun.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Matters arising from the Minutes.

No matters arose from the minutes


An e-mail from a Chris Edwards of Watton was read out. This referred to a "Bike Day Watton" organised by the "Watton Town Team" and taking place on 27th April 2013.

It was decided that we would support this in principal and Terry would find out more information.

Report from the Rights of Way Officer

Reggie gave us an updated on the Barnham TRO,s etc.

A discussion was prompted by Andrew as to the need to be associated with the 4x4 community as most of our problems seem to be instigated by their indiscriminate use of the trails & disregard to the TRO's etc.

Most agreed but it was pointed out that we are such a small interest group that we may need their numbers to combat the Ramblers etc.

Ride outs

A  ride out was held on the 24th Feb:, starting at Ayton Road lorry park Wymondham at 10-00 and picking up at concrete pad Thompson at 10-30am.  This start was later than originally planed due to the cold.

Although this ride out was intended to introduce the new members to the trails there was only one new member who showed, I think he enjoyed the ride even though he did lose his tail bag, the contents were recovered but the bag was very second hand.

A ride out is planned for Easter Saturday. See the website for details.

Any Other Business

A small amount of interest has been shown for the "Grantham Slide School" so Terry will contact the organisers and see what can be sorted.   

No raffle was held due to the low turnout.   

Meeting closed at 9.30

After which a general chat ensued.

Chairman's Comments

Again not to much to comment on and therefor as per my threat I will tell you what I have been up to.

The Tiger Cub trials bike is proving to be a bit of a headache and is taking up to much of my time so against other members advice I have obtained a Yamaha TY/Honda copy 4st 200cc special.

The idea is to use this in Twin Shock trials. I am having a few problems but sure this will be a good bike for its intended purpose.

The trouble is if the bike is ok what do I blame, the observer's?


Terry Reeve Chairman

This newsletter is based loosely on the last meetings minutes which have not yet been approved and may contain inaccuracies