No Images? Click here ![]() University Updates Welcome to your first newsletter of 2019, packed with information, events and reminders to help you in spring term. Photo: Victoria Dyczka Enhancing Digital LearningThe University is looking to enhance Digital Education for all students through a new project called EdTech Exeter. As part of the project we’re exploring ways of improving our current systems and what new technology we can use to better improve your learning. We'll be running workshops and drop in sessions across this term where you can find out more, experience new technology and give your feedback. The sessions and workshops are listed here, please come along, we would really value your feedback. You can also find out more information and give feedback on ELE and our current systems here. Follow the project on Twitter @EdTechExeter ![]() Innovative SpacesProf Sue Prince, Associate Dean for Education at the College of Social Sciences and International Studies, invites you to visit ‘space’ on Streatham Campus on Wednesday 13 February from 1-3pm to critically examine some of rooms that are being considered for innovative refurbishment in 2019. We will gather suggestions for how we might better use these teaching and learning spaces. The event features innovative examples of learning spaces from other campuses and will enable you to contribute to the design of University teaching spaces. To find out more about the Education Incubator and to sign up via Eventbrite go online Results releaseThe results from the Term 1 assessments and January exams will be released on Monday 11 February and taught students will receive an email during the day containing their results. Results will be released throughout the day but if you have not had an email by 4pm on Monday 11 February please contact your relevant Hub/discipline team. If you are concerned about your results please arrange to see your Academic/Personal Tutor to discuss it with them. Don’t forget you can access our Wellbeing Services or the Students’ Guild Advice Unit if you need further support. Summer exams - adjustments deadlineAdjustments for exams such as extra time, computer use, rooming provisions and more can be arranged through Wellbeing Services. To make an appointment, log into SID online and select ‘Book Appointment’. The Wellbeing team will discuss your needs and ask for evidence/diagnostic reports if necessary. Don't leave it too long, the deadline to arrange reasonable adjustments for the summer exams is 15 February Do you have a religious observance which impacts your exams?The University will make every effort in its timetabling to avoid holding exams on religious days or festivals which occur during examination periods for those students whose commitment to the observance of their faith would otherwise cause them to miss the examination. If this affects you, then please complete this form, the Examinations and Religious Observance form 2019 by the dates given below: Deadline for requests: May exams - Friday 1 February Meningitis and fluInfections such as meningitis and influenza (flu) can spread easily within university communities. Make sure you do what you can to protect yourself. All students under 25 years should make sure they have received the free Meningitis ACWY vaccination - contact your doctor's surgery to arrange an appointment if you have not yet had this vaccination. Find out about the symptoms of meningitis here. EHRC Racial Harassment survey for students & staffThe Equality and Human Rights Commission has launched an inquiry to understand the types of racial harassment experienced at UK higher education institutions, how these are reported and how effectively they are dealt with. They are inviting staff and students who have experienced, witnessed or helped in an incident of racial harassment from September 2015 onwards to complete their online surveys by Friday 15 February. The surveys are available here. Professor Janice Kay is leading a Provost Commission so that we can implement new approaches, events, initiatives and policies to create an open, diverse and safe University community for all. If you have experienced or witnessed any form of harassment, bullying, intimidation or discrimination we would encourage you to report it and get support through our Exeter Speaks Out webpages Digital Check In - updateThank you for using Digital Check In, particularly as there were some frustrating technical issues in Term 1. We’ve resolved the vast majority and you can review known issues, what’s changed and what that means for you on our website. If you are still unable to register your attendance in teaching sessions, please first check the trouble shooting guide. Otherwise contact us via SID or your Hub Info Point/Education Office. They’ll need to know if you have iExeter on your phone and whether your phone can be updated to iOS 11 or 12 or Android 7, 8 or 9. Using the app has long-term benefits for students; it helps us pick up wellbeing issues more quickly and encourages positive discussions with your tutor about your academic progress and whether you need further support. Push ahead with your career in 2019The Career Zone team has been working hard to update and provide digital resources for all students via the MCZ Digital portal. This term you'll receive themed emails to help you along your careers journey. So whether it's interview technique, job searching, CV best practice, or assessment centres, check your inbox this term for extra support, pop in to see the Career Zone team, or visit the digital resources online. Choose the right pathThe Professional Pathways programmes are now open for student applications! · Pathways to Arts, Culture and Heritage · Pathways to Charity and Development · Pathways to Digital Innovation · Pathways to International Trade · Pathways to Politics and Government · Pathways to Sport and Health All of these extra-curricular programmes are open to undergrad and post grad students from any discipline, year group and campus. Applications close on 24 February 2019. Online Module Fair coming soonInterested in enrolling in modules from other disciplines? The online module fair offers you the chance to view all the modules available to you across the University. Whether you want to learn a language, gain workplace experience, or expand your subject knowledge and skills, the online module fair is here to help connect you to the modules that will diversify and enhance your University experience. For more information, email Introducing your Speak Out GuardiansExeter’s Speak Out Guardians are Dr Rachel Fenton, Senior Lecturer from the Law School and Rachel Burn, Director of College Operations for the College of Medicine and Health. We support the University in being an open and transparent place to work and study, where all staff and students are actively encouraged and enabled to speak out, specifically about any dignity and respect issues. Our role is to:
Get in touchStudents and staff can contact the Speak Out Guardians in confidence. Student wardens - here to helpOur Student Community Wardens are here to help in a variety of ways. They can security mark your valuables, such as your phone or laptop and it is completely free of charge. They also help with any issues relating to refuse or recycling and can also signpost you to key contacts should you face any problems related to your housing. To book a visit from your Student Community Wardens please email ![]() Take up a new Grand ChallengeInterested in making real change at the University or around the globe? Looking to develop your transferable skills? Want to meet like-minded people? Grand Challenges is a unique, high-energy week that gives you all of that and more. Taking place 10-14 June, you will work in an interdisciplinary group on a topic you feel passionate about, and develop an innovative and creative project that tackles a real world challenge. Topics this year are Gender Equality, Global Security, Mental Health, Sustainable Food and Climate Change. You get to work closely with leading academics, hear inspiring talks from external speakers and form new friendships along the way. Sign up now via our website. Works start on new on-campus student accommodationWorks are due to begin on the East Park site, adjacent to Rennes Drive. During the construction phase please follow any footpath diversions which will be put in place for your safety. East Park will provide 1,182 student bedrooms on the Streatham Campus and is set to open in two phases from September 2020 and September 2021. Works are already underway at Moberly and Spreytonway and together these three student accommodation developments will create an additional 1,500 on-campus bedrooms. To find out more about the projects, please visit the new student residences webpages. Emergency contactsYou can view, update and add your emergency contacts and home and term-time address online via the Student Record System (SRS). Please take a minute to check that this information is correct by logging in to iExeter through your mobile app or the website, clicking on the Student record & registration (SRS) tile; then select ‘Edit Emergency Contact information’ and 'Edit address' sections in the facilities box. Keep in touchUsing ‘@exeter’ email accounts is our recognised way to contact students and disseminate important information. Please do keep an eye on your emails! 2019 Graduating class yearbookThe official University alumni Yearbook for the Class of 2019 is now open. It will be full of individual student profiles, photos and stories which capture your time as a student at Exeter. Please complete your profile by following the link and follow the simple steps to tell us about your time studying at Exeter and to submit your favourite photo memories. Apply for the Annual FundFunding applications are now open projects which will enhance the student experience. The Alumni Annual Fund has more than £90,000 remaining to award this year for projects in all departments and across all campuses. Is your club or society planning a new activity or buying new equipment? Does your study group need extra resources? Do you want to plan a trip, a conference, or invite a guest speaker? Find out more here - applications submitted by Sunday 3 March will be assessed for funding awards by April. International Day of Women & Girls in ScienceMonday 11 February is ‘International Day of Women and Girls in Science’. We’d like to showcase our inspiring female academics and students via the University’s social media channels and possibly through radio interviews and need your help to recommend people we can ask to be profiled. We’re particularly looking for those with exceptional stories for example: overcoming some form of adversity to undertake their studies or research, studying multiple degrees, undertaking extra-curricular challenges such as sporting or musical achievements, fundraising etc., starting a business or enterprise, winning national prizes, running successful vlogs, and any other achievement. If you know anyone who might be suitable, please get in touch with Sophie Thompson, Campaign Manager, by Wednesday 23 January. PhD Global Excellence ScholarshipsAre you an international student considering a PhD? We have a range of full- and part-scholarships for international students of outstanding academic ability starting in Autumn 2019. Scholarships vary by college and the application deadline is fast approaching for some, so view the PhD Global Excellence Scholarship webpage and follow the link to your college of interest to apply today. ![]() Marking our work with athletesWe’ve had the honour of being one of the first universities to be awarded the new England Athletics Charter Mark. In achieving a bronze mark, the University has been recognised for the high standards of support it offers athletes competing in all events; including “bursaries, excellent training facilities, highly qualified staff, high performance gyms, sports science support and pastoral guidance” – and more! University of Exeter Sport and England Athletics are devoted to helping student athletes thrive, creating universities that will be able to provide the facilities and foundations for athlete development. ![]() Where do great ideas come from? - Thursday 24 January 2019 4pm The Deck, Innovation Centre, Streatham Campus College of Humanities Creative Dialogue series - Thursday 24 January 7.15pm-8.30pm, Alumni Auditorium, Streatham Campus MSc Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management Programme Launch, Tuesday 5 February 6.30pm for a 7pm start, Innovation Centre Café, Streatham Campus Explore South West - Saturday 9 February, 9am-5pm, Peter Chalk Centre, Streatham Campus Tell us what you think of this newsletter: Get in touch with your feedback or news stories at: ![]() |