FFIC DVD Brochure Announcement

On April 1, 2012 the 2014 International Camporee DVD Brochure will be available through AdventSource or your local conference office! Be sure to either contact AdventSource or your local conference office to order and receive your copy or copies!
This is not an April Fool's joke - It is a real announcement! Enjoy your copy(ies) of the DVD!
Pathfinder Bible Experience

The International Camporee is looking for a coordinator and sponsor to host the Pathfinder Bible Experience in 2014. If you have any suggestions, please email Ron Whitehead, FFIC Director.
The Central California Conference Areas 2 and 3 have shared their 2012 Pathfinder Bible Experience photos with us. If you would like to view their photos and videos from the Pathfinder Bible Experience please see the links below:
Windy City of Chicago

As you travel to and from the International Camporee in 2014, you may drive through Chicago, Illinois, which is only about 3 1/2 hours away from Oshkosh, Wisconsin. You may want to visit some world class museums and classic attractions, such as:
For more Info: Visit ChicagoTraveler.com.