Web Version | Unsubscribe September 13, 2013
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The wheels of exit in London and the North East, East Midlands and East regions are actively in motion. Currently, approximately half of the trusts in both of these regions have formally submitted notice of their intention to exit on 30 June 2014. The majority of these will procure a replacement PACS using the NHS Supply Chain framework. The key next step on the procurement timetable is to move from initial engagement to confirming requirements and formally engaging NHS Supply Chain. In parallel with this, data localisation activity has commenced.

Over the summer, my team has focused on gathering knowledge and lessons learnt from the first wave of PACS exit. A series of documents will soon appear on the PACS programme website summarising the internal HSCIC lessons learnt: this will be followed up by a series of workshops at various trusts to collect their experiences; the final piece of the jigsaw will be to invite suppliers, both incumbent and incoming to provide their experiences of the process.

It is obviously critical to learn well from the first wave of exit and deliver as smooth an experience as possible for the next trusts to transition to new systems. These trusts have many advantages: the NHS Supply Chain framework is fully established, the number of trusts exiting in parallel is a third of the first wave and everyone from trusts, the HSCIC and suppliers can benefit from the experiences of the last 18 months.

Anyone interested in getting more closely involved in exit activities is encouraged to look out for the regional Exit Boards which take place monthly in Leeds, London and Cambridge. You will also come across a number of events organised by potential suppliers, NHS Supply Chain and at the usual conferences which all serve to provide more detailed information.


BT Update


The London PACS Exit Board last met on the 18th July 2013 and significant progress has been made on the localisation solution.

Localisation solution & assurance

Sectra have defined their data localisation approach and agreed this with the HSCIC and BT.  This allows access to MIA and local data provided the defined change control process is followed.  Any trust using Sectra for data localisation must ensure an RFC (Request for Change) is submitted to BT before any activity takes place.  A small number of other third parties have expressed an interest in supporting trusts in carrying out localisation work:  in order to do this, the company must first undergo an assurance process with the HSCIC. 

To this end, a process, guidance and sign off document has been developed and sent out to trusts – this applies to all trusts using a third party supplier. A robust assurance process will be undertaken to assess the data migration approach.  Initially, an end-to-end test will be carried out at a “first of type” trust, after which each trust will be required to complete a clinical safety hazard assessment before submitting a RFC direct to BT, copying in HSCIC.

Exit planning

Over the next six weeks, a number of Trusts will be commencing localisation. NHS Supply Chain and BT will be joining the September Exit Board – opportunity to field questions with particular focus on procurement milestones and planning which will form integral element of future Exit Boards.


Accenture update


North East, Yorkshire & the Humber

Six trusts have exited; four of these have completed data localisation from the Central Data Store with  Leeds Teaching Hospital and Sheffield Teaching Hospital continuing this process. The remainder have submitted termination notices to leave in June 2014 except Airedale, Mid Yorks and Harrogate who intend exiting shortly after this date.

The next Exit Board Meeting is scheduled for 18th September.

East Midlands and East of England

Of the total 17 LSP PACS trusts in the East of England and East Midlands (EEM), all took advantage of the one year contract extension to June 2014 therefore none have exited.

Of the 11 trusts in the East of England (EoE); five trusts submitted 12 month termination notices in June 2013; two are expected in August 2013 and the remainder in September 2013.  The six trusts in the East Midlands are part of the EMRAD Consortium and are procuring through OJEU and competitive dialogue. Deployment activity is expected to commence in Q3 2014.

The next Exit Board meeting is scheduled for 24th September


Accenture are working closely with HSCIC to develop detailed documentation concerning data localisation options for Trusts. FAQs and other supporting documentation are also being developed. These will be published on the HSCIC website in due course.


National view

44 trusts in scope for wave two exit

18 trusts intending to exit on 30 June 2014

05 trusts having completed procurement

06 trusts in procurement

01 trusts completed data localisation

07 trusts currently localising data


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