What are we going to do now? Post-Brexit thoughts.
With acknowledgements to the late, great, Spike Milligan and the BBC, the catch-phrase from his chaotic but sporadically brilliant Q8 series, is really the only title possible for this post-Brexit edition of our Newsletter.
The country voted, the Government was taken by surprise, we now have a new Prime Minister, and the main protagonists of the " leave" campaign have, much to their surprise and apparently as a punishment, been tasked with deciding how Brexit will actually happen and when. No-one in the leave campaign thought to work any of this out before the vote, allegedly.
Like every other British citizen involved in this debacle, we have had to deal with the challenges of the Brexit vote results, and rise above the obstacles it has created in order to ensure our commercial survival. The world prophesied doom and gloom, the Pound all but collapsed.
Two months on and our housing market is still robust, the Pound is regaining some of it's strength, and the UK has had a huge influx of summer visitors eager to spend money here.
Update your Partfindermarine "Notifications" - never miss an opportunity.
We have made quite a few changes to the back-end of our service over the last few months since we migrated to our new server, and a huge amount of work has gone into fine-tuning our " Notifications".
If you have no idea what there are or what they work, here is a link to the page on the system. It would be far too boring to re-type it all here for our readers, but the key points are:
We now issue notifications instantly as well as daily or weekly.
There are system defaults for what you get and when. If you don't like what you are getting don't just switch all your "notifications" off, take the time to customise them so that you get only what you want, when you want it
As ever we are here to help, please call, e-mail or PM us to get in touch. Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook pages are also available .
We are still unique in providing Notifications via e-mail or SMS on new parts listed, new buyers and sellers registered, or public messages of any kind so do make sure you take full advantage of this element of our service.
SMM 2016 - biggest, busiest and best?
SMM 2016 kicks off in Hamburg next Tuesday with the biggest gathering of the great and the good in our industry. The show claims to have added an extra 3500M2 of exhibition space and to have made a clearer delineation of who is in which hall.
We'll be there to visit existing clients and meet new prospects, but will the show alone be enough to drag our industry out of the doldrums?
Let's hope so. In case in doesn't at least there is an Oktoberfest mini version to help you drown your sorrows ( or celebrate your successes?) during the show.
What we can reccomend though is that if you are going, you download the SMM app for your phone to help navigate this huge event.
If you need to talk to us please e-mail info@partfindermarine.com or call James on +44 7785 557474
More parts listings needed
August is a funny month, we always expect it to be quiet, but it can be very very busy some years.
This August has seen us handle a number of enquiries and orders for older engines and equipment. Nohab F38V, Wartsila 624 TS, 8R22HFD, Pielstick PA6V and PC3, Paxman RPH and ABB VTR201 spares.
If you have stock of these or any other items on your shelves or in your warehouse, please call or e-mail us to discuss listing them on Partfindermarine.com, you could be making money from them very soon.
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