A new series of Diabetes Queensland’s Got Suga radio plays, raising awareness about management of type 2 diabetes, sees the return of Steve and his family.
Listen to the previous series here.
In the new series we catch up with Steve, his wife Becky and children Shanae and Connor, as they learn about various services and support available to people living with diabetes.
The radio plays are written by writer Steven Oliver who is well-known as one of the Tiddas from ABC TV’s Black Comedy.
Steven plays the main character Steve, a forty-something year old father who is learning to manage his type 2 diabetes. His family are played by Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts graduates Karlani Murray (Shanae) and Lucas Stephenson (Connor) and training manager, Barbara Baugh (Becky).
The plays are made possible through a partnership with Diabetes Queensland, 98.9FM and the NDSS (see story below for more).
How to listen
If you're in SEQ tune to 98.9FM on your radio or listen from anywhere in the world via livestreaming on your PC.
You can also download our 98.9FM app by visiting iTunes or Google Play.
Alternatively, order a CD copy for your radio station by contacting us here.