June 2019
Vocational education and training and the approach to mental health are two policy issues featured in this Brotherhood Update.
New research sheds light on factors affecting young people's transition to work, in Australia and in the United States.
And our work to support fairer energy prices for low-income households and successful settlement for refugees continues.
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POLICY Reforming VET by understanding young people’s experience
TAFEs are well placed to serve as a vital anchor in the vocational education and training sector to provide career guidance, relevant curriculum and industry exposure, and other necessary support for young people.
View the presentation by Shelley Mallett and Diane Brown, The missing piece: anchoring VET in place for young people, to the John Cain Foundation.
RESEARCH Jobless parents and young adults’ transition to work
Does parental joblessness delay young adults’ school-to-work transitions? Can a university degree moderate this relationship? Studying 811 American and 2152 Australian young adults, Matthew Curry and colleagues found that those who had no parent employed were likely to move more slowly from school into employment. However, gaining a degree mitigated the association in Australia only.
Curry, M, Mooi-Reci, I and Wooden, M 2019, ‘Parental joblessness and the school-to-work transition in Australia and the United States’, Social Science Research. Advance online publication: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2019.03.004
RESEARCH Is a universal basic income the way forward for income support?
Introducing a 'basic income' may not be the way to reform Australia’s social security, according to Brotherhood researchers Dina Bowman, Shelley Mallett and Diarmuid Cooney-O'Donoghue.
Their chapter 'Diversion ahead? Change is needed but that doesn’t mean that basic income is the answer', appears in E Klein, J Mays & T Dunlop (eds) 2019, Implementing a basic income in Australia: pathways forward, published by Palgrave Macmillan.
MEDIA Victoria’s Budget includes transformative investment
The Victorian Government’s investment in early childhood through universal three-year-old kindergarten is one of the Budget commitments welcomed by the Brotherhood.
Read our response to the Victorian Budget 2019–20