Editor's note

The Kingdom of Kush was a major power for more than 2000 years in the region where, today, Sudan meets Egypt. Temples and sacred sites were a crucial part of Kushite life – and it was accepted practice for visitors to these sites to carve graffiti to mark their presence. Suzanne Davis and Geoff Emberling explore what the ancient graffiti meant, and the efforts being made to preserve it.

The new African free trade zone came into effect in May this year. All of the African Union’s member states are now legally bound to allow goods to be traded without restraint throughout the continent. But, explains Christian Abadioko Sambou, there are some security concerns that come with free trade, particularly in border areas.

It’s tough to be a smallholder farmer on the African continent. There are political, economic and social barriers to deal with, and a lack of information often makes this important work even harder. But new affordable technologies like drones, text services and apps could help with all those issues. In this week’s episode of Pasha, Abdul-Rahim Abdulai and Emily Duncan explain how.

Natasha Joseph

Assistant Editor: News and Research and Science & Technology Editor

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