No images? Click here ![]() MAY 2021In this enewsletter from the BSL Research and Policy Centre (RPC), we focus on several challenges of recovering from COVID. Children and families living on low incomes and young people without job pathways are two groups requiring careful policy attention. Meanwhile proposed NDIS reforms must be developed, trialled and evaluated in close consultation with people with disability and their carers. You can read more about our current work at Please share this Policy and Research Update with your colleagues and encourage them to subscribe. ![]() WEBINAR: Tackling child and family poverty: reflections on the 2021/22 federal Budget Thursday 20 May 2021, 1 pm to 2 pm Presented by ANU Children's Policy Centre, Brotherhood of St. Laurence, Social Ventures Australia and Anti-Poverty Week Join our panel to consider what the 2021/22 federal Budget will mean for Australian children and families living in poverty:
PODCAST: VET'S ROLE IN YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT RECOVERYYouth unemployment post-COVID is an all-hands-on-deck challenge. BSL’s Kira Clarke joined colleagues from NCVER to discuss the role the vocational education and training (VET) sector can and should play in the process. Catch up on our COVD-19 Insight: Young people and vocational education and training (PDF, 322 KB) POLICY: HOW DO PARTICIPATION RULES FOR PARENTSNEXT ALIGN WITH HUMAN RIGHTS?ParentsNext aims to support parents with children under six years to achieve their study and work goals. However the compliance rules applied to participants have unintended consequences and risk infringing their human rights. Read our submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights regarding ParentsNext participation requirements (PDF, 203 KB) POLICY: HASTEN SLOWLY ON PROPOSED NDIS REFORMSTaking time to listen to people with disability, and to assess the results of trials, is essential to ensure that proposed changes to access to and planning in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will bring the desired improvements. Read our Response to NDIS consultation papers on independent assessments, access and eligibility policy, and planning policy (PDF, 421 KB) In particular, feedback BSL has gathered from people with disability, families and carers expresses their deep concern that ‘Independent Assessments‘ (as proposed) could take the Scheme backwards rather than forwards. Read our Response to the Joint Standing Committee inquiry into independent assessments in NDIS (PDF, 286 KB) POLICY: DESIGNING VICTORIA’S STATE DISABILITY PLAN TO COMPLEMENT NATIONAL STRATEGIESAccess to decent work for people with disability, and an improved interface between the NDIS and mainstream services, should be among the priorities of the next State Disability Plan. Read about these and other recommendation in our Response to Victorian Disability Plan 2021–2024 Consultation (PDF, 234 KB) WEBINAR: CAN WE END CHILD POVERTY IN OUR TIME?Social Ventures Australia and the Brotherhood of St. Laurence hosted a webinar discussing the findings of ANU researcher Ben Phillips about trends in child poverty and financial stress, and the impact of the Coronavirus Supplement. Catch up on the one-hour webinar at ___________________________________ Read the research brief Making a difference to children and families in financial stress and poverty (PDF, 427 KB) Read the ANU report Financial stress and social security settings in Australia POLICY: ENSURE PROGRAMS BENEFIT FAMILIES AND CHILDREN WHO NEED THEM MOSTFamilies and children experiencing disadvantage must be the primary focus of government-funded support programs. Our involvement during COVID-19 lockdown has confirmed that providers need flexible, personalised approaches to engage and re-engage with families who have complex needs. Read our response to the Department of Social Services consultation paper ‘Supporting Improvements to the Families & Children Activity (PDF, 310 KB) ![]() Katy Cornwell joined the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) team of the Research and Policy Centre in 2021. Prior to this she was Senior Evidence and Learning Advisor at World Vision Australia, and a Lecturer and Research Fellow at Monash University’s Centre for Development Economics and Sustainability. Katy holds a PhD in Econometrics and Business Statistics (Development Economics) and brings extensive experience in research, monitoring and evaluation relating to poverty and disadvantage. In the MEL team, Katy is leading the implementation of an Impact Framework across BSL services. ![]() Keep up to date with BSL's work by subscribing to our free e-newsletters. Support our research and programs to make change that lasts. BSL Research and Policy Centre © Brotherhood of St. Laurence 2021 ABN 24 603 467 024 ARBN 100 042 822 The Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) is a social justice organisation that works to prevent and alleviate poverty across Australia. You are receiving this email as you have previously subscribed to the BSL Research and Policy Centre e-newsletter. To unsubscribe, please click on the link below. |